This is a spell called "Deliverer or Awen" ( Celtic for Inspiration). This is an ages old spell that Albina says is derived from Celtic Magick and has been kept " in close confinement within many small circles" for many, many years. She says that this AMAZING spell will offer the bearer great inspiration, reonciliation between those who are separated or disagreeing as well as drawing in the energies that empower Magickals as well as bringing forth and enhancing the properties of natural stones! There are three main elements to this spell:
Awaken the Soul- Albina says that this element of this powerful spell will assist one by allowing one to draw out the "creative fires" that provide one with Awen ( inspiration) and newfound energy! Albina says that this seemingly "simple power" can actually create dramatic improvements in one's life. She says this is due to the energies "empowering one's inner fire" which promotes new ideas, directions, goals, progress and change! She says that this element will also help one to look within and understand the many facets of one's life that one may have previously disregarded to assist in directing this newfound power twoards the most beneficial aspects of one's life.
Reconciler of Hearts- Albina says that this aspect of the spell will help to "bridge the distance" bewteen one and the one or group that one has experienced a disagreement or possibly a misunderstanding that has resulted in separation. Albina says that the energies will enhance "peaceful communications and being a sense of understanding to both parties". She adds that one may also find that if one is separated from a loved one for reasons not due to disagreements, this element will also help in keeping one "connected" to this person on a "higher, spiritual level" by empowering a psychic bond with your distant loved one.