Artelac Lipids MD eye gel
Artelac Lipids helps especially with watery eyes by supplementing and stabilizing the outer fatty lipid layer of the tear film.
Artelac Lipids is based on the structure of the natural tear film and contains aqueous, mucous and fatty (lipid) components.
Due to its special composition, Artelac Lipids supplements all three layers of the tear film.
Artelac Lipids is also suitable for the treatment of severe and long-term complaints, because the ingredients it contains provide the cornea and conjunctiva with long-lasting moisture (depot effect).
Artelac Lipids EDO is a thick gel drop that provides long-lasting protection for the surface of the eye.
Contact lenses should be removed before use and reinserted approx. 15 minutes later.
The eye drops are available as a single pack with a 10 ml dropper bottle and as a
advantageous Quarterly pack with 3 x 10 ml dropper bottles available in every pharmacy
without a prescription. The eye drops can be used for 6 weeks after opening.