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"Articles of Lasting Interest" -- Own a piece of history, fascinating to read -- The Readers Digest captures what life was like at any given time better than any other magazine, because it is the best of all of them! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
April 1954; Vol. 64, No. 384
CONDITION: Size approx 6" X 9", Digest sized magazine. COMPLETE and in clean, VERY GOOD condition. (See photo)
[Use 'Control F' to search this page. MORE MAGAZINES' exclusive detailed content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.] This description copyright MOREMAGAZINES. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17
COVER: The Governor’s Palace, Colonial Williamsburg by C. C. Beall.
There Never Before Was a Show like this -- "Operation Good Will" -- by Francis and Katherine Drake. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Love is not a statistic by Maurice Zolotow.
The Heroic Last Days of Robert Taft by Jhan and June Robbins.
We must Respect Korean Culture by James Michener. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Michener of the South Pacific.
Fog around the Fifth Amendment by James Burnham. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
In answe to opur european critics by Francis Cardinal Spellman.
Borrowed Easter by Dickey Chapelle.
How to Stop Smoking by Herbert Brean.
Our life in hiding from the Soviet Secret Police by Svetlana Gouzenko.
They Develop today's youth for tomorrow's world -- the YMCA -- by Stanley High. [Interesting article on the YMCA! -- ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Invincible Blonde from Brooklyn -- Lillian de Acosta -- by Malcolm K. Burke and Michael Scully.
Are you the new executive type by Bill Davidson.
the British commonwealth has not learned the American Lesson by Sir Norman Angell. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Hate at first sight by Stuart Chase. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Uranium City here we come! by Ronald Schiller.
The Best Advice I Ever Had by Harry Emerson Fosdick.
Berlin's tin-can observatory -- Wilhelm Foerster Observatory -- by J. D. Ratcliff and Claus Gaedemann.
This I Believe by Bernard M. Baruch.
Hydrazine -- new chemical giant -- by Harland Manchester.
All in favor of a clear day by Corey Ford. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
A Case for PSI by Aldous Huxley.
The Paul Reveres of Business by Don Wharton.
Living is more than skin deep by Ardis Whitman.
Russia's Capitalists turn a fast ruble by Tom Whitney.
They stop fires by remote control -- fighting fires with fog -- by Paul W. Kearney.
From spring to summer by Edwin Way Teale.
Don't be afraid of an operation by Fred W. Rankin MD.
It's rediculous! by Cornelia Otis Skinner. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
A little Business in the country, by Robert Wallace. [Interesting and hard to find article on The Success of "Scrabble" and Alfred Butts!]
Let's unshakle the FBI by Blake Clark. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
Lord Ismay's Motto For Europe by Andre Visson.
Monkeys out on the town by Henry Trefflich.
Enterprise creates a greater Peru by Stanley High.
Richard Nixon as Vice-president.
The Faith of Chaplain Kapaun by F Lt Ray M. Mike Dowe Jr and Harold H. Martin.
Incandescent Genius -- Thomas Alva Edison -- by C. B. Wall.
The Roots of Friendship by Yukio Ozaki. [Interesting article, and ORIGINAL to this issue!]
CHECK our other Reader's Digest listings -- we have the LARGEST stock of Reader's Digest back issues available anywhere!
Use 'Control F' to search this page. * NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date. Each listed above is of at least one page, most average 3 pages. Some are original articles. ALSO in this issue: the usual great tidbits, jokes and sidebars that Readers Digest was famous for. (PLUS there is more actual CONTENT in these vintage issues than in the current ones!) There is no better Birthday gift or Anniversary present than a copy of this marvelous vintage magazine -- it captures the time perfectly!
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