Get lost in the hilarious world of Princess Smartypants, a clever and witty children's fairy tale parody by Babette Cole. Follow the mischievous adventures of the titular character as she navigates through impossible tasks and unexpected challenges to prove she is worthy of her freedom. With stunning illustrations and a charming narrative, this book is sure to captivate and delight readers of all ages. Discover a world of magic and wonder with Princess Smartypants, published in 1991 by Sandcastle Books.  Perfect for fans of juvenile fiction and fairy tales, this book features a general genre and topics such as Fairy Tales & Folklore. Don't miss out on this illustrated masterpiece, made in the United States . Add it to your collection today!

These books have come to me via a teacher (that is why some will have a teacher's name or other reference) some years ago. I bought them for my grandchildren and then filter back into my inventory when I started selling online again.
My hope is that with each set of photos I can give you an idea of the condition of the book on the outside and inside, the copyright information, a snippet of the text so you an judge for yourself if age appropriate for your child, and finally a look at any illustration techniques that are used.