This vintage electric dart board is a must-have for any man cave. Measuring 27"x20"x1.25",  it is perfect for indoor dart games with friends and family. The board is made by Arachnid and features their Model 210H, which is known for its high-quality construction and durability.

The board is ideal for use with soft tip darts and is a great addition to any game room. This board is sure to impress and provide hours of entertainment for all ages. So, whether you’re a seasoned player or just starting out, this vintage electric dart board is a great choice for anyone who wants to enjoy the game.

English Mark Darts 27″ Dart Board

by Arachnid

Model: 210H

Measurements: 27"H x 20" W × 1.25" D

Weight: 11 LBS

Condition: Very good vintage. In excellent working order.

Wall mount 1970s dartboard.  Up to 4 players.



301D in/out

Count Up


Includes replacement power cord.