VEVOR Male Nursing TrainingManikin
Our nursing manikin boasts accurateanatomy and high fidelity. It mimics the normal range of humanposes and physiological activities, aiding in healthcaretraining.
From basic patient care to advancedskills like intubation, nasogastric feeding, injections, catheterinsertion, tracheostomy, and stomas, this nursing mannequin coversa wide range of nursing techniques.
With realistic skin tones and anatomicalstructures, the nursing training mannequin serves as an ideal toolfor nursing professionals, providing a realistic platform forprofessional practice.
Limbs of this patient care manikin arerealistically flexible, allowing for various poses and simulatingactivities like bathing and changing clothes for bedriddenpatients.
Our full body training mannequin iswidely used as a teaching aid or for practice in clinical,emergency, and daily nursing training.