Deep in the swamps of Louisiana, among the cypress trees and shadowy moss, lives Voodoo Belle. No one knows her real name or her age. She has simply been there as long as anyone can remember. She is always happy to see you. She is always expecting your arrival. As you sit at her ancient wooden table, she passes you an old mug full of her best elixer. You do not dare turn it down. You drink. Suddenly you are in another time and place. You see all, you know all. Every object is alive with energy, moving and gyrating to the primal drum beat inside your head. Voodoo Belle explains in broken cajun the ways of ancient magick, passed down from her Gran Pappy. She reaches her hand inside the table and plucks out one of the moving particles. She holds the glowing matter in front of your face. She molds it in her rough hands and fashions it into a wooden bowl. She sits the bowl in front of you. "Eat". She says, and you realize the bowl is full of steaming crawfish stew. Time seems to stand still. She speaks to you without opening her mouth. Suddenly you realize that you are out of the swamp. You stand at the edge of the trees and wonder how you got there. You are left with the realization that you will never be the same.
I am pleased to present a collection of prized magickals from the Voodoo Belle Collection.
These items are unlike anything you will find in the World. They have been cast by Voodoo Belle herself.
These are not your normal spell cast items. Wearing a potion cast by Voodoo Belle will rock your existence.
Her knowledge of matter manipulation is baffling and amazing and held only in comparison to the great Merlin.
You are considering Voodoo Belle's Oshun Potion. Oshun is the Voodoo Goddess of wealth and luxury. Wear her fragrant potion to accumulate mass quantities of wealth. Use it on lottery tickets, sweepstakes, slots or yourself. VERY, VERY POWERFUL!
This potion is made of natural ingredients and has Aventurine chips inside. Aventurine is known as the “Stone of Opportunity,” The luckiest of all crystals, especially in manifesting prosperity and wealth, or for increasing favor in competitions or games of chance.

Moonstar7spirits registered trademark 4157496.
