Product Name : Siddh Parad Lingam With Columbian Green Jade YoniBase
Dimension’s :
Total Weight Of Set (Parad Lingam With Green Jade YoniBase) : 191 gms
Height of Set : 2.20 inches
Height of Yoni Base : 1.10 inches
Base Diameter : 1.50 inches
Length of Yoni Base : 2.20 inches
Weight of Yoni Base : 92 gms
Parad Lingam Weight : 100 gm
Parad Lingam Height : 1.3 inches
Centre Diameter of Lingam : 0.87 inches
Note : There are different listed images of same parad shiva lingam , some having shivlinga of golden color and others is of silver color , The color of siddh parad is automatically turns into golden color when it kept in water for few hours , which is a general property of siddh parad , and when it will clean by soft cloth it color again becomes as a silver color .
Description :
Shiva Lingam is the holy symbol of union of Lord shiva and Shakti . Lord Shiva from time immemorial has been worshiped in the form of linga or lingam. Lingam is the visible symbol of Nirguna Brahman (the supreme being) and is present in all the living beings.
The most common use of the Shiva Lingam is for sacred bathing (abhishekam) and so the worship of a Shiva Lingam always includes an abhisheka usually of milk and water, but commonly with other liquids, including yogurt, honey and clarified butter as well.
Shivlinga is worshipped in homes and temples. At home it blesses with unity and harmony in the family and guides its devotees to spiritual path.
The word linga is derived from the two Sanskrit words laya (dissolution) and agaman (recreation). Thus the linga symbolizes both the creative and destructive power of the Lord and great sanctity is attached to it by the devotees.
Complete with 8 Sanskaars (8 stage of Purifications done as per Parad Sanmhita) and removal of Saptakanchuki(100 % medicated and hygienic); the Siddha Parad(Mercury mouth closed with Aghor Vidhya) is formed to make Murthi-Badhha/Agnibadha(sustain the heat) Shiva lingam. The Extract from this Shivling gives 24 Ras and 5 Tatva which removes all diseases in the body.
Parad is a naturally occurring element that is found in air ,soil or water. It exits in several forms : elemental or metallic mercury , inorganic mercury compounds & organic mercury compounds. mercury is an element in earth crusts, humans cannot create or destroy mercury. Pure mercury is a liquid metal,sometimes reffered as quick silver that volatizes readily . It has traditionally used to make products like : thermometers ,switches & some light bulbs.
Mercury is find in many rocks including coal. when coal is burned mercury is released in enviornment. Mercury & it’s compounds have been used in medicine although they are much less common today than they once were, now that the toxic effects of mercury & it’s compounds are more widely understood.
Purpose :
** It is written in various purana’s that a person who worship single Parad Shivalingam get equal benefit’s to worship 108 other types of shivling .
** Worship of Parad Shivaling is capable of giving instant Luck, wealth, position, name and fame.
** The presence of Mercury Shivlinga in the House is itself a complete life. Shiva lingam is the holy symbol of union of Lord Shiva and Shakti . Shivalingam is worshipped in homes and temples. At home it blesses with unity and harmony in the family and guides its devotees to spiritual path.
** It is also written in various purana’s that by worship of Parad Shivling regularly , Goddess Laxmi remains alway’s in a house .
** Parad Shivlingam is also said as “ Manokamna Poorna Shivling “.
Parad (Mercury) Shivling according to various purana’s :
The glory of mercury Shivling has been stated unequivocally in the puranas, shastras and Tantra text. Mercury is said to be semen of Lord Shiva. To contain or bind mercury is very difficult, that too ancient mercury. It has been explained in ‘Ras Chintamani’ that by the very touch of such mercury a person gets the benefit of Shiv Puja done in all the three lokas. Mercury has been taken as a liquid also. Therefore a Shivling made of mercury is also known as Ras Shivling. If such Ras Shivling is correctly prepared & consecrated by a scientist of mercury science it can prove most auspicious for the person. It has been stated.
“Vidhaya ras ling yo bhakti yukth samarchayet
Jagatriye linganam Pooja phal mavapanuyat”
That is the person who acquires mercury Shivling in his life and does correct ritualistic prayer and Archana reaps the benefits bestowed by all the Shivlingas present in the three world – one mercury Shivlinga is capable of bestowing such blessing. By the worship of Parad Shivling even the heinous sin of Braham Hatya can be removed. By its touch the fault of killing of a cow can ( Gau Hatya ) can be totally washed off. If one sips the water poured on Parad Shivling the person acquires the right to eternal happiness and emancipation. It has been stated as:
“Darshannarth sarajasya brahma hatya vyapohati’
Sparshnoath nanyashay yadadeti
gowhatya natrasanshaya
Kimpuna brhakshna dhyaevi prapatey paramam padam”
No matter how much one praises the nobility and gentility of Parad Shivling it will still be unmatched. If one is in a position to acquire mercury Shivling then please do establish it in your Pooja grah and witness your immense gains and miraculous happenings. It is my experience that wherever I have established Parad Shivling people have been free from diseases and illness and there has been a noticeable increase in happiness and fortune. As it is said:
“Pardeshwar grahyatra durlabho jayat narah
dhandhanyam tatha swarnam atootam natra sunshya”
A very important thing to note is that nobody should ever talk ill about the Parad Shivling as the person would get a place in hell. Like:
“Yashachya dampati sutendram
shambhosthe paratparam
Sapatenya narikya dhare yavatkalp vikalapanna”
Lord Maheshwar himself has stated the utility of Parad Shivling to goddess Parvati in the following words.
“Lingam koti sahartrasya yadphalam smagyaarchanat
tatphalam koti gurinam raslingarchnat bhavet”
Lord Maheshwar also said this
“Sparshan prapyutaya niukti riti satyam shvoditam”
(meaning by the very touch of Parad Shivling one can acquire complete emancipation).
Lord of Lords bhagwan Maheshware has himself said
“Pardeshwar sthapiyam Iakshmi sidhyam tadgrahe
dhandhanyam dhara potram purna saubhagya veh narah”
Meaning when I am established as God in a house other devatas like Kuber, Lakshmi and Saubhagya also come with me the house never faces monetary problem ever again.
Place to Kept Parad Item’s :
Parad Shivling should be established either in temple or in the Ishan corner (i.e. the middle of north east corner). Along with this if Parad Shree Yantra is also established in the Agneya corner that is middle of south east corner, then health, property, fame, name and wealth is acquired.
Benefits by establishing Pardeshwar Shivlingam :
Wherever Parad Shivling is established disease and illness have no place there.
If Pardeshwar is established in the Ishan corner, the Vaastu of that building becomes proper, because if the Ishan corner of any building is defective the people of that building suffer from disease or mental tension all the time. If the Ishan corner is okay such flaws remit by themselves.
** If one does the Pooja of Pardeshwar with the chant of Aghori mantra and offers Bilva patra then it destroys the possibility of sudden death and any kind of poverty.
** If one does the prayer of Pardeshwar with the chant of Mahamritunjaya mantra and also does its Abhishek with milk and ghee then all kinds of malicious diseases are removed.
** If the Pooja of Pardeshwar is done with the chant of Rudragayatri then the house is always peaceful and family happiness is always present.
** If Parad Shivling is covered with layer of white sandal and karpur and then milk abhishek is done, then all the anishta and unfavorable grahdosh go away and the person stays mentally healthy.
** Both Yajurveda and Atharveda glorify the auspicious nature of parad.India is known to have produce famous scientist like Chandrasen, Mandavya, Rattankosh and Nagarjuna. They are said to have even produced gold from mercury.
** It had been explained in the ancient garanths (book) like Ras Ratnakar, Ras Chandasu,Parad Samhita, Rasendara Chudamani ect. that by the very touch of such Parad Shivlinga aperson gets the benifit of Shiv pooja in all the three lokas (cosmic worlds).
** A person who aquires Parad Shivlinga in his life and does correct ritualistic pooja and archana,reaps the benifits of worshipping all the Shivlingas present in the three lokas, or doing a hundred Ashwamegh yadnyas, or donating ten million cows or donating ten thousand grams of gold ect. Only one Parad Shivlinga is capable of bestwoing such blessing. By the worship of Parad Shivlinga even the henious sin of Bramhin-hatya, Gau-hatya, Bal-hatya (dosha due to killing of a priest, cow or child in previous births) can be totally washed off.
** It is said in the Bramha-puranas that he who worships the Parad Shivlinga devotedly,wheather one is a male, female, bramhin, kshatriya, vaishya or shurdra, gets full worldly pleasures and at last attains supreme destination (moksha) .
** Parad has a special significance in Ayurveda too. Wherever the Parad Shivlinga is establised disease and illness does not stay there. It helps in controlling various disease like, high blood pressure, asthama and heart problems and help to increase your will power.
** There will never be shortage of food, wealth, money or clothing and will bring prosperity to your house or office.It will bring peace to the premises and maintain harmony among the people of the family.
** It brings knowledge by evoking godess Saraswati and enlightens your children with knowledge and sharpens their mind.
** Immerse the Parad Shivlinga in the Ganges water and sprinkle it on a person or in the premises. Malefic planetery effect and black magic evils will dissappear.Worship the Parad Shivlinga every monday by offering Bilvapatra/Belpatra and chanting the mantra of ‘Om Namah Shivay’ a hundred and one times. It will give fruitful results reguarding your vastudosha, grahapeeda, courtmatters, karyasiddhi, bussiness & trade, sevice, jobs,promotions, success in studies, health, wealth, money, name, fame, property, peace and harmony.
** The four goals in human life-religion, health, desire, and salvation, can be fullfilled by worshipping the ‘Parad Shivlinga’.
Significance Of Parad Shivling in Tantra
** All the metals and sub-metals found in the world send out waves. Mercury is also a metal and sends out its waves likewise. As mercury(parad) is considered the most unstable among all the metals, similarly a persons mind is also very unstable and wavering. Both are closely related. If mercury is stabilized by destroing its unsteadiness, its waves will also be stable and steady. This will cause agood effect on a persons mind. If one meditates beside a Parad Shivlinga, the mind naturally gets concentrated.
Therefore a compact from of mercury (Parad) is of great significance because it is extremely helpful in concentrating the mind.
** Mercury has a property of liquidity which, in itself involves the diffcult process of solidification.
It is believed that, to have a Shivlinga made by mercury (Parad) one must be blessed through good karmic deeds of the previous birth, but by the grace and compassion of Lord Shiva, we have achieved it and made it for the benifit of people of the world for peace and prosperity.