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Product description: This study guide is designed to fit the needs of various ages and study habits and is ideal for personal, class or family study. We have taken every chapter in 1 Nephi – Mosiah and provided study pages to help you really dig in and study every single verse! This study guide contains 116 pages of study pages and over 50 more note pages where you can record your valuable insights. If you like to doodle and draw – then you can fill your pages with doodles and drawings! Another person may want to write in great detail. Another may make lists, draw diagrams, etc. You can customize this study guide to your own personal preferences! We have provided you many diagrams to help you follow story lines, lineage, doctrines, etc. Also included are explanation pages. For example, there is a page that explains the history of Jerusalem, and another page that explains “The House of Israel”. These pages will offer you valuable insights that you can easily reference as you are studying the Book of Mormon! Besides being a helpful study guide, this journal also provides a place for you to record what you are learning and leave a history of your thoughts and insights as you study the Book of Mormon. This is not a commentary book but a guided workbook offering valuable insights as you go. Use this study guide on its own or along with your favorite commentary book.