- LOOKING FOR PAIN RELIEVING WRIST BRACE FOR CARPAL TUNNEL OR TENDONITIS? Medically engineered to help relieve pain associated with Carpal Tunnel Syndrome, Arthritis, Tendonitis or Tenosynovitis. Helps instability of the wrist
- REMOVABLE WRIST SPLINTS FOR CARPAL TUNNEL SYNDROME helps stabilize the wrist and hand. Hand splints for carpal tunnel allows variable stabilization of the wrist and hand
- REDES STRAIN caused by repetitive movements at the wrist associated with typing, writing and other activities. Premium grade neoprene provides carpal tunnel relief at home, helps with arthritic wrists, chronic aches and stiffness
- FULLY ADJUSTABLE COMPRESSION: The adjustable strap provides additional compression around the wrist. Carpal tunnel wrist support helps to rede inflamion in the wrist
- MEDICAL GRADE: Registered internationally as a Class 1 Medical Device. Made to the highest quality and compliance standards by Neo G, trusted by phys. worldwide Partner of the Chartered Society of Physiotherapy