body { font-family: "Market Sans", Arial, sans-serif; } For detail of this set please view below only, and also to tell if this set has english or Japanese audio view below and check out the listing photo back side. If it shows as (Japanese / English Version means it has English audio but if it only shows Japanese Version no English Audio)All our set has at less English Subtitles if only Japanese audio. This set is all regions. AHIRU NO SORA VOL.1-50 END Title Name 篮球少年王 No of Disc 4 Disc (50 Episodes) Version Japanese Subtitles Chinese / English / Malay Format DVD / NTSC & All Region Code (16:9) STORY : A stout, weak, yet highly passionate Sora Kurumatani enters Kuzuryuu High School with hopes that he'll fulfill his mother's wishes to dominate his first high school tournament. However, the basketball club—turned den for delinquents—does anything but play basketball! Its club members, Momoharu Hanazono, a skilled blocker who can do power jumps but is horrible at shooting, and his twin brother Chiaki, a talented point guard, has also lost interest in the sport. With just one game overwhelmed with adrenaline rush and excitement, and Sora's pure love for the game, the youth's burning out spirit for basketball rekindles.车谷空的体格矮小, 在篮球方面绝对算不上有利。中学时代因为身高而没被选上首发队员的空, 怀着对高中篮球社的期待, 升入了通称九头高的九头龙高中。但那里的篮球社几乎处于机能停止状态。并不是能够打篮球的环境。然而, 空凭着自己对篮球的热情, 与九头高篮球部成员们在相互冲突当中共同成长。在接踵而至的种种困难面前, 九头高篮球社的成员们将会如何面对……!? - We Only Sell Original/Genuine DVDs. All DVDs I'm selling are from Licensed Publisher in Malaysia. All DVDs come with Original Sealed Authenticated Sticker / Hologram by Malaysia Censorship Board. ALL PACKAGE WILL BE SHIP OUT FROM USA CA SAN DIEGO AREA OCEANSIDE, SAN MARCOS. THIS MEAN WITH IN USA YOU SHOULD RECEIVE THE PACKAGE WITH IN 4-6 BUSINESS DAY AFTER SHIP OUT. We Only Sell Original/Genuine DVDs. All DVDs I'm selling are from Licensed Publisher in Malaysia. All our products are All region so it will play any dvd player in the world Any problem please contact us first so we can speed up taking care of you.