Saturday Evening POST
Own a piece of history, fascinating to read! The POST is famous for its great illustrators (on the cover and inside!) -- each issue also features articles, stories by famous authors, photographs, and great vintage advertisements! -- Exclusive MORE MAGAZINES detailed content description, below! *
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ISSUE DATE: June 16 1962; Vol 235 No 24, 6/16/62

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THE COVER: MARLON BRANDO as Fletcher Christian. On location aboard the $750,000 reproduction of H.M.S. Bounty, moored off Tahiti, Marlon Brando strikes a properly rebellious pose. The photographer: old Brando hand Eric Carpenter, who photographed the moody movie actor in Julius Caesar and Teahouse of the August Moon.

The Mutiny of MARLON BRANDO ... By Bill Davidson. "A petulant superstar turns paradise into a moviemakers nightmare. How Brando broke the budget in a marathon remake of MUTINY ON THE BOUNTY." [Article, photos from the film and the set!]
Let's Keep the Filibuster (Speaking Out) ... By Hodding Carter.
The Kremlin's Persecution of Jews ... By Rowland Evans Jr.
Famous People Who Don't Remember Me ... By Edgar D. Brooke. Illustrated by Al HIRSCHFELD. (4 small drawings)
On Trial: Hoffa & Adam Clayton Powell (Part 2 of 3) ... By Edward Bennett Williams.
How to Get Along With the Bees ... By Murray Hoyt.
Dinner With the Kennedys ... By Beverly Smith Jr.
Radio's Pill Pusher ... By John Kobler. (Carlton Fredericks)
PEOPLE ON THE WAY UP: (Full page photo and text each)
SEENA HAMILTON, Moppet Minder.
DAVE WEILL, Discus Champ.
GEORGE SAGE, Bus Line Magnate.

A Girl Without a Name ... By Robert Standish. Illustrated by Herb Tauss.
The King Who Loved Suburbia ... By Robert W. Wells. Illustrated by Robert Jones.
Coffin Ship (Conclusion) ... By Norman Reilly Raine. Illustrated by Carroll Jones.

DEPARTMENTS: Letters ; Post Scripts ; Hazel ; Editorials.

JOHN KOBLER: After nutritionist Canton Fredericks had canceled two interviews, Contributing Editor John Kobler employed an ancient reportorial device: He declared, ominously, that he would get his facts elsewhere. Thereupon Kobler was invited to Fredericks's Miami Beach home and Fredericks's press agent flew down from New York to protect his client. During three days of interviewing, nutrition- ist Fredericks offered Kobler only one form of refreshment -- Mountain Valley Water. The press agent, however, was dined, if not wined, by Fred- ericks. Shortly after he had partaken of Fredericks's nutritious eats, the chap encountered Post photog- rapher Larry Fried and confessed he was en route to a nearby restaurant for something more hearty.

OTHER BY-LINES: Outspoken newspaperman Hodding Carter has been his own boss almost continuously since 1932, when the Associated Press fired him forinsubordination.... The New York Herald Tribune's Rowland Evans Jr. is the first Western journalist to obtain hard evidence of the current Soviet campaign against Jews. . . . Contributing Editor Bill Davidson once interviewed mutinous Marlon Brando while Brando was riding piggyback atop his dialogue coach. . . . Edgar D. Brooke, a staff assistant to Edward R. Murrow in the USIA, is himself famous enough to be listed in Who's Who in America. . . . Vermont's Murray Hoyt has sold us both fact and fiction. (His contribution on coexisting with Hymenoptera is, we hope, fact.) Contributing Editor Beverly Smith Jr. has interviewed every White House tenant from Coolidge to Kennedy. . . . The author of A Girl Without a Name is a man with two names -- Robert Standish (his pseudonym) and D. G. Gerahty (his real name).... MidwesternerRobert W.Wells, who wrote The King Who Loved Suburbia, makes his home in Delafield, Wisconsin, an exurb of Milwaukee.

Inside cover picture: Patio interview: The Post's Kobler (right) and radio's Fredericks.
* NOTE: OUR content description is GUARANTEED accurate for THIS magazine. Editions are not always the same, even with the same title, cover and issue date.
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