Saint of the Little Way
The Little Flower
New Doctor of the ChurchPope Benedict XVI "Take courage! Fix your gaze on our saints."
"If God grants my desires, my Heaven will be spent on earth until the end of time.Yes , I will spend my Heaven doing good on earth... I will return! I will come down!"
Bob and Penny Lord trace the life of one of the most powerful Saints of the 20th Century.
Therese is a most important role model for the youth of today.
We need a Saint Therese for our children, to imitate, rather than the role models the world would give them.
Scenes taken from her birthplace in Alencon to Buissonnets - her home in Lisieux,the Carmelwhere she lived as a Carmelite Nun, the great Basilica built in her honor.
Taped in Lisieux, Alencon, Loreto and Rome Scenes from the Vatican when she was declared a Doctor of the Church by Pope John Paul II.
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