You are purchasing a 28 page Pamphlet/Minibook from the Super Saints Series on the life of Saint Dominic Savio,  written by Bob and Penny Lord.

"Without compromise!"

We trace his life from his birthplace in Riva, Italy. His home and the Church where he prayed on the steps. Read about Turin, Italy and Don Bosco's Oratory where his most famous student, Dominic Savio, shone. He formed the Company of the Immaculate Conception at the Oratory of St. John Bosco in Turin. Learn how he stood up for purity against all odds. See Dominic's home town in Castelnuovo Don Bosco, Riva and Chieri plus Colle Don Bosco, where he met Don Bosco. His tomb is in the Oratory of Don Bosco.


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