You are purchasing a book titled " Scandals of the Cross and It's Triumph, by Bob and Penny Lord.
The content of the book is as follow:
"This book must be in every Catholic home in America!"
...Mother Angelica of EWTN
"You must read this book to know what’s happening in our Church today." "This is the only book that traces the Heresies from the beginning of the Church up to and including today." "It is an important work because it reveals the Heresies of today in the light of the Heresies of yesterday." "The Lords have taken a difficult subject and put it into their simple and understandable style." "I bought this book to use as ammunition against heresies that are going on right now in our Church." "This is a Handbook of Heresies, simple to understand." Saint Jerome said, "The whole world awoke and groaned in astonishment to find itself Arian." Will we awake someday and discover to our sorrow, we are no longer Catholic?
In times of crisis, God sends us special graces
While Jesus Walked the Earth
Heresies of the 1st Century
Heresies and Predestination in the 2nd Century
Heresies Denying Trinity and Incarnation
3rd Century Heretics - Tertullian & Origen
Heresies attack Divinity of Christ
Arianism in 4th Century
Pelagianism - Man can be God -5th Century New Age
The Moslem Conspiracy
Iconoclasm - Graven Images & Waldensians
The Greek Schism
Berengarianism - Attack on the Holy Eucharist
Renaissance - New Birth or 14th Century New Age?
Modernism- A 20th Century Heresy
New Age - The Great Deceit /Through a Shattered Mirror
320 Pages
We also have 30 minute documentary dvds on all listed in the book, hosted by Bob and Penny Lord, It's a 17 Set of DVDs that can be purchased individually. Listed on separate listings.
Please visit our other listing to find more books and DVD written by Bob and Penny Lord.
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