Spiritual awakening is a profound experience that is often described as a deep connection to the divine, a deep understanding
of the nature of life, or a sense of inner growth and transformation. It can bring a sense of peace and oneness, and it can
provide a greater understanding of one’s purpose and the meaning of life. Spiritual awakening can also be seen as a journey of
self-discovery, as well as an opportunity to gain insight into the spiritual truths of the universe. Regardless of the form it takes
, spiritual enlightenment can be an incredibly powerful and life-changing experience.
Albina says that this spell will actually bring forth the energies that RAISE one's "sense of self, inner power and boost one's faith, confidence and abilities" within oneself! She calls this "the time of transformation" and she says that "many have been surprised at how their own covert abilities seem to SPRING forward once they gain an alignment!"
This spell will bring forth a profound shift in consciousness that brings about a greater understanding of the mystery of life and the
interconnectedness of all things. These mystical experiences can vary greatly, but typically involve a deep sense of peace and joy, a deeper
connection to one’s true self, and an understanding of one’s place in the greater universe. It is a shift in consciousness in which a person
moves from identifying with the physical body and mind to recognizing a deeper connection with the divine or the oneness of the
What one will typically experience, is a profound transformation in their life. This transformation is marked by a profound shift in
perspectives and beliefs, often leading to a heightened sense of purpose and clarity in one’s life. The transition that takes place during a
awakening can be both challenging and life-changing, as the individual is forced to question their beliefs and perceptions of the world
around them. As the individual’s sense of purpose and direction become clearer, they often begin to develop a deeper connection to
themselves, to others, and to the spiritual realm.