Restaurant Worker's Handbook by Jim Pace & Jerry Macgregor

Restaurant Worker's Handbook by Jim Pace & Jerry Macgregor - Book - Picture 1 of 1

Make Money Doing Restaurant Magic!

Jim Pace's "The Restaurant Worker's Handbook shows you how!

Jim Pace makese a very successful living performing Restaurant Magic. Now, in this "Handbook for Restaurant Workers," Jim shares the secrets that have taken him years to learn. In this extremely informative, 153-page book, Jim teaches you everything it takes to become a successful Restaurant Entertainer.

In addition to invaluable information on becoming a successful Restaurant Entertainer. Jim and Jerry MacGregor also part with their own pet routines, including "Openers," "Strong Middle Routines" and "Closers." Learn eight-awesome effects with cards, coins, sponge balls and the appearance / disappearance of restaurant taint table items.

What you will learn:
Pages 154 - Hardbound