I'm a transfer service, so you need to send me your films first.

This listing is for transfer of a single roll of 3" (50 ft) reel of 8mm/Super8 movie film to DVD

Price per 50 foot (3") reel is only $6.50!

Free Return Shipping - You pay to send your films to me, and I return them to you with the completed DVD's for free.

If you have more than one reel, simply enter that quantity at the specified box below. If you have reels of different sizes, please use the rate list below:

                         Reel size                    Quantity to enter for each reel

3" reel (50 ft)                              1

4" reel (100 ft)                            2

5" reel (200 ft)                            4

6" reel (300 ft)                            6

7" reel (400 ft)                            8

Due to new rules, I will provide my address after purchase. Check your email.

Indy 500 8mm Film

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