Alfie believes he is big enough to get his own dog since he has started school and is about to turn seven, but his dad still thinks he's too small for such a big responsibility. Alfie does everything he can to convince dad that he is wrong, but it isn't that easy for a little boy who still uses an imaginary friend to solve his problems. Alfie's hope is renewed when he encounters a real-life magician. Maybe he can get a dog through magic, he thinks, and jumps enthusiastically into the fantastic world of magic. But eventually Alfie is forced to acknowledge that real problems can't be solved through magic. When his dream finally comes true in a way he could never have imagined, it almost seems like magic after all.
Actors: Inger Teien, Hallvard Lydvo, Kim Haugen, Henrik Forsbak Langfeldt
Minutes: 70
Format: DVD Region 4