Twomorrows BACKISSUE 37 is a comic book that explores the theme of war through the characters of Sgt Rock, Soldier Enemy Ace, and Invadors. 100 pages - November 2009 “Comics Go to War” in BACK ISSUE #37! On the frontlines are JOE KUBERT and ROBERT KANIGHER’s Sgt. Rock adventures from the ’70s and ’80s, MARK EVANIER and DAN SPIEGLE’s Blackhawk, and GEORGE PRATT’s Enemy Ace. Plus: Unknown Soldier, Wonder Woman’s return to WWII, the Invaders, Combat Kelly, Vietnam Journal, Sad Sack, the Joe Kubert School, and … the Marvel School (?)! Bonus: “The Other Side of War” examines comics starring real-life heroes Mother Teresa and Pope John Paul. With art by and/or commentary from DICK AYERS, RUSS HEATH, JACK KIRBY, DON LOMAX, DAVID MICHELINIE, FRED RHOADS, FRANK ROBBINS, JOHN ROMITA, SR., BILL SCHELLY, JOE SINNOTT, ROY THOMAS, and the long-awaited return of GERRY TALAOC!