Acer circinatum (vine maple)  4 - 6 inch tall bareroot seedlings.

Deciduous shrub or small tree growing to 15 -20 feet tall.  Vine maples can be crooked, sprawling and vine like in the shade and  nearly symmetrical with one or several trunks in full sun. Vine maples are perfect as an under story tree under large conifers. Vine maples can be espaliered against a wall, and planted closer to a house or sidewalk than most trees. Great for bonsai or container plantings. Plant alone or in clumps of 3.  Bright colorful fall foliage.

Native to the western North America, from southwest British Columbia to northern California, from sea level up 4,900 feet. Can be grown outside its native range as an ornamental tree anywhere in USDA Hardiness Zone: 5 - 9.  Deer Resistant

Photo shows bundle of 20 seedlings

Price includes Free Shipping.  1-3 trees shipped First Class Mail, 10 and up shipped Priority Mail or UPS.

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