Ginkgo biloba, also called maidenhair, is a large broadleaf, deciduous tree with a sculptural pyramid shape. While it loses its leaves in winter, this ancient tree is classified as a conifer and is dioecious, meaning that some trees are male while others are female. Native to China, slow-growing ginkgo biloba trees, broadly speaking, will grow well in USDA planting zones 4 through 9
The gingko biloba's uniquely fan-shaped leaves start out green but change to golden-yellow in the fall. Before the whole leaf turns golden, there is sometimes a stage during which the leaf is two-toned, with separate bands of gold and green. The common name "maidenhair" was inspired by the fan shape of the leaves, which reminds people of the maidenhair fern (Adiantum spp.). The bark on older specimens of the tree becomes deeply furrowed -Ginkgo Biloba 3 Bareroot plants
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