Silky dogwood (Cornus amomum) is a small deciduous shrub found in wild, wet areas in the eastern United States. The shrub has an unruly growth habit and forms dense thickets when left on its own. It's at its best when used in informal gardens when a manicured look is not needed. It gets its silky name from the hairs on its leaves' underside. It has a moderately fast growth rate—about 1 to 2 feet per year—and reaches between 6 to 12 feet in height and width at maturity.

The benefits of this shrub are its erosion control properties, it attracts butterflies, birds, and bees with its spring flowers and later berries, and it has pretty fall foliage and burgundy-colored winter bark. Silky dogwood grows well in well-drained, moist acidic soil. It can handle all light levels and prefers cool, moist roots in the summer, with a layer of mulch protecting the rootbed. 3 Plants Bareroot. No Shipping AK, HI

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