Vintage and Collectable
"The New Dictionary of Thoughts" A Cyclopedia of Quotations from the best authors of the world, both ancient and modern, Alphabetically arranged by subjects
Originally compiled by Tryon Edwards, D.D.
Revised and enlarged by C.N. Catrevas, A.B. Jonathan Edwards, A.M. and Ralph Emerson Browns, A.M.
Published by Standard Book Company 1966
Copyright 1960 by Standard Book Co. and 1967 by Standard Book Co.
"Tyron Edwards published his first book of quotation in 1852.  He first used the title "Dictionary of Thoughts in 1891 after forty years spent in the compilation of material"
Included with the book is part of the dust cover.  See the pictures
794 pages
Approx 9.5 x 7 x 2.25 inches
SKU AJ-2-02-25-042

Acceptable to Good condition.  Minor wear to the corners and edges.  The back binding has started to pull loose.  See the pictures

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