Professional Laminator Kit
This laminator comes with 20 sheets of3mil laminating pouches, ready to use right out of the box.Lamination enhances water, dirt, and tear resistance, whileprotecting your items from fading and extending the lifespan ofyour documents.
Compatible with 3 mil and 5 millaminating pouches. Use 3 mil for photos and documents for aflexible, easy-to-flip finish, or 5 mil for menus, certificates,and other items that need added durability and protection againstwear and tear.
The fast-heating system shortens warm-uptime to just 2 minutes and increases lamination speed to 11 inchesper minute. Ideal for users who need to laminate large volumes,making it a great choice for printing businesses, teachers, andprofessionals looking to boost efficiency.
Simply power on, wait for the indicatorlight to signal it's ready, then insert your item between thelaminating pouches to begin lamination. If a paper jam occurs, justpress the ABS button to easily release the paper, protecting yourvaluable documents.
The laminator handles sizes up to A3 andis ideal for A3/A4/A5/A6 photos, letters, certificates, businesscards, menus, postcards, and more. Ideal for DIY projects, it'sgreat for home, office, school, and restaurant use.