Our femur bones are from the finest quality, free range, and grass fed buffalo! Pure buffalo treats are healthier and leaner alternative than beef. Pure buffalo is also great for maintaining dogs dental health because it massages gums and helps control tartar. Hours of enjoyment! Helps eliminate destructive chewing! Available in 1 bone, 2 bones, 3 bones, 5 bones, or in our money saving pack of 10 bones Additional Details ------------------------------ Product description: Our femur bones are from the finest quality, free range, and grass fed buffalo! Pure buffalo treats are healthier and leaner alternative than beef. Pure buffalo is also great for maintaining dogs dental health because it massages gums and helps control tartar. Hours of enjoyment! Helps eliminate destructive chewing! Available in 1 bone, 2 bones, 3 bones, 5 bones, or in our money saving pack of 10 bones