Being offered today in a very limited quantity is a new offering, it's something that I have worked on for nearly 2 years, and I am really very excited to be able to offer!
When I am approached professionally there two distinct things most reach out to me for.
1. They are struggling with money.
2. They are unhappy. They feel there is a dark cloud over them at all times. Like they are not mean to be lucky.
I decided that I wanted to take a new approach to helping with both of those things at the same time, so, if you feel you are always unlucky, can never get ahead, are struggling with money, never have any luck, and need a re-boot, this would be a perfect item for you.
Authentic metaphysical, spell blessed energies exist, they live inside of the herbs that were placed in to these bars of soap.
Herbs are one of the most potent, and often used items in spell work. Spell casters use herbs like this as a catalyst for the development of, molding of, and then projecting of these energies in to the spirit of their client.
With this soap you are making *direct* contact with those energies by using it on your body when bathing.
The ingredients that have been 10x spell blessed are chamomile, sage, lavender, and honey.
The bars are roughly 3.5 ounces, and are all hand blessed and hand made right here in my shop. It's something I've always been personally passionate about, so I'm very excited to combine the two things, and I'm eager to help you create a dynamic shift in your life.
In this past 6 months I've given away to both friends, and strangers about 2 dozen bars before offering them for sale. All that I asked of these folks was to email me a few weeks down the road, and let me know how it impacted their lives.
Every single email that I got was amazing. Frankly, it was more than I expected! Here are a few un-edited exerpts from those emails:
"OMG OMG OMG I just won $25k on a scratchie, Sar! I already told you about how good things went at work the other day, and if that's all this did for me that would be enough, but this money is LIFE CHANGING for me! I'm literally freaking out writing this! You're the first person I thought of. THank you so much!!"
"Hi Sarah. Just wanting to send you an update like you asked me to do. I'm sorry that it took me this long. First I have to say I really like the soap. It feels great, very silky, it seems to have done wonders for my skin, which was a nice, unexpected benefit. In terms of how I feel, I honestly didn't expect it to do much, and I suppose there is a chance it's just placebo effect, but, I cannot deny that I feel great. I have had issues with my back for years, and it causes me to not sleep good at all. I've found myself very relaxed, feeling well, at peace, and my back ache is gone all together. I don't know how to describe it, I just feel lighter. I'm at peace, I'm happy. It's kind of the same feeling we all long for when we think back to the innocence of being a child. Every day feels like it's the last day of school with nothing but an endless summer in front of me. That is pretty remarkable. Thank you. - Ted"
"Sarah this stuff is so good. Definitely feeling the great energy vibes from it, I've got super energy, and I ended up getting a promotion at work that I thought I had zero chance of getting. It's almost $4/hr more than I was making. That is going to have a HUUUUGE postivie impact on my life. Can't thank you enough!"
For the time being I have 5 bars to offer for sale. If there is a demand I'll be happy to make more!
As you can see in the pictures there are differences in the designs. If you prefer one, and are one of the first buyers I'm happy to send you the one that you like! Just let me know which one. Of course that will all depend on availability.
Thank you all so much! I hope you enjoy! Please don't hesitate to reach out to me via messenger if you have any questions.
I'd like to share a little bit about our mission, who we are, what we do, and what it all means for you - We are what is called a "Coventry", or "Coven", which is a gathering of professional spell casters, psychic mediums, alchemists, magickal practitioners, and collectors of advanced, and elite paranormal curiosities. Each member of our Coven works with their own individual clients, and we all work together, as a Coven, on larger/joint spell casting work, and the creation of the items you see for sale here.
We practice peaceful, balanced white light magick only. We are what is commonly called "elemental" practitioners of magick. What that means is that we draw energies from naturally occurring sources - Mother Earth, the Moon, the Sun, the cosmos. Never from living things, or other people. NO black magick, NO voodoo. Our magick is the safest, and most balanced of energy work. There will never be any negative side effects, imbalance of karma, and we do NOT draw away from others to provide for you. We work within your own energies, and the aforementioned natural sources of energy, to produce your desires.
I'm sure you may find yourself wondering: What is magick, and what do we offer? Magick is another word for transformation, creation, and manifestation. Magick is a tool we use to act on the subtle - or energy, or quantum - level of reality. The quantum level is the causal realm. It is the subtle influences at the quantum level that decide which way reality will go for you in your future. We harness those invisible energy sources, combine them in to a "recipe", so to speak, and place them within a physical vessel, which then transports those specific, finite energies, in that specific combination, to your spirit, and life, where the real world results will then follow.
Whether you are viewing one of our expertly created items, or one of our relics the essence of purpose, manifestation, and creation through energy use remains the same. These items are creations that hold very specific, precisely created energies that, once they enter your life will sync to your spirit, and will "go to work" so to speak to create the reality discussed in the listing. These are not just passive novelties, this is very serious, legitimate energy work that can and WILL change your world for the better.