Albina says that this charm was held within the sacred bag in the possession of Fauna. This particular charm is imbued with a VERY powerful "PROTECT ME NOW" spell. Albina says that the bearer of this imbued charm will, much like Fauna, find they are protected from harm or negative attacks from those who mean to attack or challenge the bearer. Albina says that this charm's spell emits such a potent amount of protective energies that one can feel these eneergies when holding the charm! She adds that she is donating these pieces because of her age and that they are truly special!! She certainly hopes that those who acquire these pieces realize the depth of importance that these magickal pieces possess. Blessings to the spirit of Fauna and of course the powerful Albina as well!
I am writing about this charm's background exactly as it was told to me by Albina. She has a pouch which is said to contain this woman's entire set of magickals.
Albina says that the story of a woman by the name of Fauna Johannes has been talked about for some time in a small circle of North Carolina. Her infamous story has been told often and the details of each telling always seem to change slightly. However, the true arc of the tale always remains the same. Fauna lived on a remote piece of land with her children. They didn't have much money, as her husband had died several years earlier of a debilitating disease. However, it was said that she was always in possession of a bag of many pieces of jewelry that had been given to her by a very powerful witch. Regardless of the bag's origin, Fauna would not part with any of these pieces, which is what caught the attention of a man by the name of Frederick. The fact that she was so unwilling to even show anyone the contents of this bag sparked his interest and quickly lead him to believe that this jewelry had great value...or, at the very least, were extremely powerful and were the reason Fauna and her children were able to live so long and happily with so little means of support.
Frederick tried to get his foot in the door at first by attempting to woo Fauna and present himself as a possible suitor who would marry and take care of her and her children. However, she was still heartbroken after the loss of her husband, therefore had no interest in replacing him...not just for the time being, but ever. He was her soulmate, she would say, and there was no replacing that. This angered Frederick greatly and his lust for her possessions became even greater and his attempts to get his hands on them became increasingly devious as time passed. One night, it was said, he tried to break into the house when Fauna and her children were fast asleep. He pried open one of the downstairs windows and made his way quietly into the house. Step by step in the darkness, he searched high and low for this bag that she kept so secretive...but he found nothing. It was as he made his way up the stairs to the second floor that Fauna's youngest son, Adam, heard Frederick in the hallway and became scared. He sat up screaming in his bed, frightening everyone in the house, especially Frederick, who immediately fled from the scene.
Once again, his ever-growing anger towards Fauna and her family consumed him. Seeing no other option but the one he'd been putting off for quite some time, Frederick finally broke down and outright accused Fauna of witchcraft. He knew for a fact that this would isolate her from all who loved her in her town's tight knit circle of friends. She and her children were then treated very badly by the town's people, but when Fauna was brought before her peers, she knew nothing of what they were speaking of. Naturally, no one believed her and Frederick stepped forward to speak of all the "horrid acts" she had unleashed upon him. They threatened Fauna with banishment if she did not readily admit to these acts. But, knowing well in her heart that she was innocent, she admitted to nothing. She was then completely banished and left alone to raise her children in complete reclusion, and in her despair she became careless with the bag that held her magickal pieces. While making one of her lonely trips to purchase food, she unwittingly dropped the bag on the ground.
Unbeknownst to her, Fredrick had been almost constantly watching her still and he happened to see her carelessly drop the bag to the ground. After he witnessed this accident, he quickly ran to gather the treasure he had been hoping to obtain for so long. Finally, Frederick was able to see exactly what she had been holding onto for all these years. As he peeked his nose into the bag of seemingly "ordinary" jewelry, he felt that he had been taken for a fool. Out of anger, her threw the bag into the street and he cursed Fauna for causing him such grief over a bag of what he considered rubbish. Amazingly, the bag found it's way back to her when her soon Adam recognized it in passing and returned it to his mother.
Soon afterwards however, Fredrick suddenly was struck with a terrible malady in which he had to be isolated from everyone around him because of the "germs' that he might contract. Fauna, however, soon found company in all of the apologetic town's people who once considered her a terrible witch because they believed that Fredrick's accusations must have been brought on by the beginning stages of his illness. In the end, the powers of the contents of the bag were not to be "toyed" with by the evil of this man, and for the rest of her very long life Fauna always seemed to escape the "evil" of any attempt to damage her. Albina says that most believe that the contents of this bag were what kept her safe from poverty, harm, DANGER and isolation!!