NEW Book: Life in the Turn Lane A Story of Personal and Corporate Turnarounds
Life in the Turn Lane A Story of Personal and Corporate Turnarounds and the Principles that Make Them Happen
Jim Patton thought he was dreaming big. His life-long financial goal was to make $20 an hour. But latent business savvy and God's plan for Jim's career intervened, and now he makes more than that every 60 seconds.On his way to managing mergers and acquisitions for billion-dollar companies, Patton discovered how to navigate the curves that potentially turn hopes into fears and dreams into nightmares. Although he learned mostly the hard way -- getting fired from his first job, losing everything in a major acqusition and watching a partner walk away with profits that should have been his -- through this book, he shares priceless lessons so the reader can move ahead less painfully than he did. Patton highlights his story with 40 memorable Patton Principles, Turning Points at the end of each chapter, and his list of 10 Business Directives. One appendix details how how his company does mergers and acquisitions and another covers his views on what America needs to do to recover from its business doldrums and remain the envy of the world.