So why is Alpha Man like nothing you have ever tried before?
1st) No less than 7 synergistic, clinically reviewed, tried and tested, powerful, Testosterone and Performance Boosting ingredients. Even more powerful when used together in a pill!
2nd) Super HIGH extractions levels. We took these ingredients to our R&D team, asked them to identify the most ACTIVE compounds and asked them to concentrate these as much as possible, while still keeping it within RDAs (Recommended Daily Amounts).
This has produced one of the most powerful Testosterone Male Enhancement products available on the market. You also get access to a FREE Testosterone Boosting Report! See the back of the pack or ask the seller when you purchase!
Please read below to understand the quality and potency of these ingredients below:
T-Blast factor 1: Tribulus Terrestris - This is not the pathetic stuff that other sellers try to push. This is saponin high Tribulus, with 95% saponins. A 10:1 extraction and isolation of saponins was needed for achieving this. A typical daily dosage would give anything up to 5000mg of standard strength Tribulus per day. That's incredibly good! But don't just rely on Tribulus alone: T-Blast factor 2: Shilajit - Studies have shown that men supplementing with this have improved levels of total testosterone, free testosterone and DHEAs (another T boosting substance) (1). It also has strength, stamina boosting qualities, to really get you on the move! (2)
T-Blast factor 3: D-Aspartic Acid - DAA Another ingredient to boost your manly manufacturing to an even higher level (3)! T-Blast factor 4: Peruvian Maca Root (Lepidium meyenii) - There have been a huge number of experiments involving Maca root, which show improved fertility (4), improved libido (5) and superior athletic performance (6). The extraction level here is 5:1 - and we asked the R&D team to concentrate the 'macarene' and 'macamide' levels where permissible to get more out of your male performance. T-Blast factor 5: Saw Palmetto - Saw Palmetto has been shown to boost testosterone levels by reducing its conversion into Dihydrotestosterone (DHT) (7). Performance Blast factor 6: Ginkgo Biloba Extract - This has been shown to increase blood flow, which is vital for your gym and sexual performance. A superb synergetic ingredient within this pill (8). Ginkgo also boosts mental alertness and focus (8), giving just a little edge when you want to command a conversation. Performance Blast factor 7: Ginseng - Another Ace in the pack to improve your performance, we have requested to increase 'ginsenosides' to higher but permissible levels. There are loads of benefits to your testes and virility! (9)
Directions Most men will be happy with 3 pills per day. However some will want to blast themselves with 4 pills per day. Others will prefer something less intense at only 2 pills per day - these are powerful pills! Please take the pills on an empty stomach with water for maximum effect. Research Sources Indicated:
1. Clinical evaluation of purified Shilajit on testosterone levels in healthy volunteers, Journal of Andrology, 22 September 2015
3. The Role and Molecular Mechanism of D-aspartic Acid, Reprod Biol Endocrinol 2009 Oct 27
4. Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Gonzales C, et al. Lepidium meyenii (Maca) improved parameters in adult men. Asian J Androl 2001;3:301-3.
5. Gonzales GF, Cordova A, Vega K, et al. Effect of Lepidium meyenii (Maca), a root with aphrodisiac and fertility-enhancing properties, on serum reproductive hormone levels in adult healthy men. J Endocrinol 2003;176:163-168..
6. Effects of Maca Food Supplement on Sportsmen’s Bodily Adaptation to Physical Loads. Kazs Milašius et al.Vilnius Pedagogical University, Lithuania
7. J Int Soc Sports Nutr. 2008; 5: 12. An open label, dose response study to determine the effect of a dietary supplement on dihydrotestosterone, testosterone and estradiol levels in healthy males 9. Spermatogenesis. 2013 Jul 1; 3(3): Ginseng and male reproductive function