STATICE PINK (Limonium sinuatum) |
Statice is easy-to-grow from Statice seeds, and it is very rewarding with brightly colored, flat flower clusters of pink. Limonium Statice offers quite a display of color for the middle of the sunny flower border. The Statice flowers have a papery texture and hold their color well for years after drying. Statice may also be used in arrangements as a fresh flower, and it is often seen in professional floral arrangements.
Sow in February - March
Sow in a greenhouse, propagator or warm position indoors on the surface of a good seed compost and cover with Sow-Lite (vermiculite) or a light sprinkling of compost. Germination takes 7-14 days at 18-24C (65-75F). Transplant when seedlings are large enough to handle into tray at 5cm (2in) apart and grow on at a slightly lower temperature. Gradually acclimatise to outdoor conditions for 10-15 days before planting out after last frost into deep, well drained soil at 30cm (12in) apart each way. Statice prefers an open sunny site.