Gardeners will be pleased to know this exciting berry is highly prolific and easy to grow! Plants thrive in zones 5-10. It grows as a shrub reaching 4-6 feet in height, and the plants are self-fertile. The fruit ripens from summer through early fall.

Vital movements of goji berries begin from seeds, roots and shoots of the previous generation, after germination, the plants grow roots, stems, leaves and bear fruits, the plants begin to fall leaves and have dormancy in early winter, and begin to sprout in the next spring, the plants run in this circles until the ...
Goji, goji berry, or wolfberry is the fruit of either Lycium barbarum or Lycium chinense, two closely related species of boxthorn in the nightshade family, Solanaceae. L. barbarum and L. chinense fruits are similar but can be distinguished by differences in taste and sugar content.  This specie is native to Asia and has been long used in traditional Asian cuisine.

The fruit has also been an ingredient in traditional Chinese, Korean, and Japanese medicine since at least the 3rd century AD. In pharmacopeias, the fruit of the plant is called by the Latin name lycii fructus and the leaves are called herba lycii.

Since about 2000, goji berry and derived products have become common in developed countries as health foods or alternative medicine remedies, extending from exaggerated and unproven claims about their health benefits.

Considered a superfood thanks to its unique nutritional value and content (it has a great number of vitamins), black goji also is said to share numerous health benefits. These berries are used in traditional Indian and Chinese medicine.

Best is to sow black goji berries in spring in warm soil, usually a greenhouse or room that has a constant temperature of at leas 70 degree F.

Sow the black goji berry seeds in nursery pots or in a tray. A finely sieved sowing soil mix is best.  Place your seeds in a miniature greenhouse.  On average, germination occurs after 4 to 6 weeks.

Black goji is an extremely hardy shrub (down to nearly -15°F or -25°C). It resists drought well, and you can grow it outdoors even in high altitudes: over 12,500 feet or 3 700 m! Note that its deciduous leafage falls off during the winter season.

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