25+Maradol Papaya Seeds Sweet Edible Tropical Juicy Jardin Fruits Easy Fast Grow.
Maradol papayas have vibrant dark green skins that turn yellow when the fruit is ripe, and sweet, golden to salmon-colored flesh.
Growing: Choose a sunny spot for planting the red maradol papaya or placing its container. Provide well-drained soil and a consistent temperature of 70 to 90 degrees.
Germinating: the soil warmth (85 degrees) papaya seeds need to germinate. Make sure that the soil does not dry out, but don't over-water either. The seeds germinate inabout two weeks.
Health benefits: Maradol papayas contain high levels of antioxidantsvitamin A,vitamin C, andvitamin E. Diets high inantioxidantsmay reduce the risk ofheart disease. Additionally, papaya's highfibercontent may reduce the risk of heart disease. High-fiber diets lower cholesterol levels.