Heavy Duty Extension Cord
STW & 100% Copper &8AWG/3C
VEVOR's welder extension cordis a great help when you need to get some extra length forheavy-duty equipment. Equipped with a NEMA 6-50R socket, it can beconnected to most welders on the market and meet your needs. Theconnections are firm enough and they will not loosen or fail duringextreme weather like heavy winds, rainstorms, and snowstorms. Own acord you can trust by a name you can trust, VEVOR. Increase thereach of your tools so you can get more done.
  • Premium 40A Pure CopperCable
  • 50FT PowerCord
  • Male & FemalePlug
  • PortableStrap
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
12500W High Performance
40A, 250V heavy-duty extensioncord with corrosion-resistant design, and resists splash water.High-quality materials were used to construct this power cord toensure a longer service time and heavy-duty performance.
50ft Long
The 50 feet heavy-duty weldermachine cord provides sufficient length, allowing you to move yourwelder around the shop while staying close to your weldingworkpiece for added convenience.
Plug and Outlet
Male plug included: NEMA 6-50Pand female receptacle socket: NEMA 6-50R. It fits comfortably whileensuring a secure fit and is easy to lock into place withouttrouble.
Flexible Cable
Highly flexible copperconductors, insulated with an STW water-resistant jacket. Perfectfor indoor and outdoor use.
Practical Plastic Strap
We provide you with anadjustable power cord organizer. This plastic strap can make theextension cords hang neatly for storage.
Extensive Usage
It is suitable for weldersincluding: Miller Millermatic welders, Lincoln Power MIG serieswelders, Hobart Handler, Century welders, etc.
  • Cable Length:50FT
  • Outside Diameter:0.83inch/21mm
  • Plug Type: NEMA6-50
  • Wire Guage:8AWG
  • Rated Voltage:250V
  • Rated Current:40A
  • Operatinbg Temperature:-40°F - 140°F/-40℃ - 60℃
Package Content
  • 1 X 50FT 8AWG WelderExtension Cord
VEVOR is a leading brand thatspecializes in equipment and tools. Along with thousands ofmotivated employees, VEVOR is dedicated to providing our customerswith tough equipment & tools at incredibly low prices. Today, VEVORhas occupied markets of more than 200 countries with 10 millionplus global members.
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
  • Premium Tough Quality
  • Incredibly Low Prices
  • Fast & Secure Delivery
  • 30-Day Free Returns
  • 24/7 Attentive Service
STW & 100% Copper &8AWG/3C
VEVOR's welder extension cord is a great helpwhen you need to get some extra length for heavy-duty equipment.Equipped with a NEMA 6-50R socket, it can be connected to mostwelders on the market and meet your needs. The connections are firmenough and they will not loosen or fail during extreme weather likeheavy winds, rainstorms, and snowstorms. Own a cord you can trustby a name you can trust, VEVOR. Increase the reach of your tools soyou can get more done.
40A, 250V heavy-duty extension cord withcorrosion-resistant design, and resists splash water. High-qualitymaterials were used to construct this power cord to ensure a longerservice time and heavy-duty performance.
The 50 feet heavy-duty welder machine cordprovides sufficient length, allowing you to move your welder aroundthe shop while staying close to your welding workpiece for addedconvenience.
Male plug included: NEMA 6-50P and femalereceptacle socket: NEMA 6-50R. It fits comfortably while ensuring asecure fit and is easy to lock into place without trouble.
Highly flexible copper conductors, insulatedwith an STW water-resistant jacket. Perfect for indoor and outdooruse.
We provide you with an adjustable power cordorganizer. This plastic strap can make the extension cords hangneatly for storage.
It is suitable for welders including: MillerMillermatic welders, Lincoln Power MIG series welders, HobartHandler, Century welders, etc.
Package Content