Introducing – Higher Pro Appetite Suppressant with Thyroid and Lipotropic Support –

Refinement and creation is PHARMA GRADE quality -

 That's why these vegan pills are also offered in blister packs... max freshness.

If you prefer the vegan AND biodegradable option, that's here too for the green aware. Check the buying options!

This is New and Improved ... upon the ‘core formula’ of High Pro Thyroid support Lipotropics…

Alternatively put...

We investigated... We invested ... and we got rid of inadequate doses and irrelevant extractions.

To give you the pearl of the perfect price...

... that targets not just 1, but 3 areas, making it more powerful!

All 13 ingredients are combined to make a SUPREME FORMULATION that is now available for you!

... added to and built upon the Thyroid support Lipotropic core formula


I am not going to beat around the bush... so let's get started:

So... First and foremost:


How does it work?

Barley Grass Powder - is rich in fiber and nutrients. The fiber helps to keep you feeling full for longer periods of time.

If you’re watching your calorie intake, this can help you beat your cravings.

It also feeds your body with micro-nutrients that help BLITZ your body craving for unsatisfied essentials.

Next up:

Green Tea Extract - contains caffeine and catechins, which can BOOST metabolism and increase fat burning. If you want to regulate your hunger, this is great in reducing appetite.

Psyllium Husk Powder - to SLOW DOWN the absorption of carbohydrates and to prevent sugar spikes and crashes.

These spikes lead to excessive eating so this NEUTRALISES them.

It is another excellent source of fiber that can help to reduce appetite.

Gymnema Sylvestris is very effective. It can lessen your cravings for sugar and therefore promote feelings of fullness.

This has been used for centuries especially in India as Ayurvedic medicine.


These ingredients are great for REDUCING appetite...

BUT, it's also important there’s still MUCH more…


Ingredients Seaweed and L-Tyrosine have all been used to IMPROVE thyroid function, especially if the diet is lacking.

Seaweed, especially kelp, is a rich source of iodine. Without going into too much detail, if your metabolism has everything it needs to run at a normal rate, you are LESS LIKELY to put on the pounds.

Iodine is VITAL for your thyroid to keep everything ticking over normally.

Next, L-Tyrosine is an amino acid that is also involved in making sure your thyroid has what it needs for a normal, healthy metabolism.

It also acts as an appetite suppressant as this is what DL-Phenylalanine is converted into to DESTROY cravings!




Four ingredients often included in Lipotropic formulations.

They are NATURAL, found in foods.

These support weight loss by promoting the BREAKDOWN OF FAT in the body, the following are:

Choline Bitartrate, an essential nutrient that plays a role in the liver function. It's involved in the breakdown and metabolism of fat by the liver, which can help to support NATURAL WEIGHT LOSS.

Inositol - Another that the liver uses for the breakdown of fats.

Really it is all in the word 'Lipotropic' which means 'FAT MOVE' and that is exactly what Inositol does.

Now, another to support fat metabolism:

Betaine HCI - its great for everything needed to aid digestion. It literally helps BREAK DOWN the food that you've eaten.

The more your food is broken down, the less it lingers and the less fat is absorbed.

Methionine - another involved in a variety of processes in the body, including the production of all the goodies needed for your muscular function and therefore the metabolism of fats.

It can help to REDUCE fat build up and INCREASES fat metabolism, which can support weight loss.


Then there is more:

To keep the formula true to the original core ingredients of the original Thyroid / Lipotropics we still have L-Carnitine, Paullinia Cupana and Chromium Polynicotinate in here!

We hope it is clear to you what we have accomplished in this formula…

We have sourced 13 ingredients to hit

  • Appetite Suppression inc. carb blocking,

  • Thyroid Boost,

  • and Lipotropics

... Surely making this one of the most powerful weight loss pill ever!

We did not just target 1 area, but 3 areas that we’re sure you have NEVER HEARD OF BEFORE IN 1 PILL.

All the ingredients are natural but effective, giving you the best chance to really experience the weight loss effects.


You may also consult with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplements, especially if you have any underlying health conditions or are taking medication.

This product is also packed in a factory that processes nuts, soy, dairy and egg products

Consult your doctor before use if you have, or have had ANY HEALTH CONDITION OR if you are taking ANY MEDICATIONS OR REMEDIES, including OTC medications, or are planning any medical procedure. Discontinue use and consult your doctor if any adverse reactions occur, such any allergic reaction. Not intended for use by anyone under the age of 18. Not suitable for pregnant mothers. This is not a substitute for a healthy diet or lifestyle. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any illness or disease. Keep out of reach of children.

So how much does it cost?

Just for now, we are giving away a DOUBLE BLISTER PACK, totalling 60 pills for just £11.99

The Biodegradable pack of 60 for £12.99

And... As the original bottle of 80 pills for £16.99

You can also choose the sample sizes of 30 pills for £8.99

or the 10 pills sample for £5.50


As for the dosage:


As a dietary supplement, start with 2 capsules 2x per day with meals and a glass of water (4 / day total). Taller, larger users can slowly increase their dose. No more than 8 pills per day. 2 litres water per day recommended.

For best results, use the pills to assist with fasting 1 or 2 days per week only.

No prescription needed!

All ingredients are made in a GMP facility and adhere to FDA / MHRA regulations.


Order now! – and you will become the best among the rest, for effective and efficient weight loss that supports your

1. Thyroid,

2. Fatburning,

3. Appetite and Carb Blocking !






Even though the customer below has invited you to contact them about this product, we still request that you do not as she will be overloaded with emails! (It is very kind of her to offer though!)

ID: danoo6000 (United Kingdom)

10 months ago i was looking for something to eat to get slim. i was checking various products but suddenly clicked by the higher- proclivity products. i ordered two bottles first,i was near to finish second bottle i was feeling different like not hungry. i ordered third bottle which turned to be miracle for me. at that time my weight was 115 kg. i strictly followed steve note that this product will only work when you are eating reasonable amount of food not like eating cheese cake and taking meds.

well within a month i lost 10kg which is quite surprizing for me and really it worked for me now i am 72kgs 26 years old and still eat this product to reduce to my target of 66kg. i am glad and feel more confident. please trust me there is no addiction or side effects with this product. i have tried and tested. for further information please contact me on my id danoo6000

These members have very kindly allowed us to use their feedback and username to vouch for the effectiveness of this product. We have their permission on the basis that they are not inundated with emails asking for more information. Please direct your enquiries to us! Nevertheless, each of these userids can be found using the search to reveal that these are bona fide, diverse worldwide customers:

ID: ginoparigino (Italy)

I have tried many different pills without any results. After looking for some time to discover something to lose weight, I found these pills and made the decision, after reading the testimonials to acquire them. After 2 weeks I have definitely lost weight, even without exercise. I advise anyone to try these when they want to slim down.

ID: knomes1979 (Australia)

“I have tried many different diets with little or no success so after looking through for that miracle pill for weight loss I found Higher Proclivity Weight Loss Pills and decided after reading the testimony I would give them a go. After just 2 days I began to lose weight and after 2 weeks I noticed I had less fat on my stomach and my clothes were beginning to get looser. I liked these pills as they made you drink a lot of water and feel energised for the day as well as sleeping well at night. I began a journal of my weight and lost a dress size (approx 6.5kg) in just 3 weeks without any exercise. I am repeat costumer for this product and recommend it to anyone who is trying to lose weight, particular if you have plateau in weight loss and need to give your body a push to kick start weight loss”.

UPDATE from ID: houseno3 (Australia)

I have found myself gaining weight and I have again turned to Higher Proclivity Weight Loss tablets to help as I know that they work they are a great way to get you going on the weight loss journey (one thing do not take them late in the evening as you will have to much energy to burn ) just eat sensible ( allow yourself a few treats and you will achieve your results. Good Luck..

ID: chrisr870 (United States)

I am 31 years old and petite - I am 5 foot 1 so as you can imagine any additonal weight will look much worse as I am short. Last January I was sitting down and moaning (as we do) about putting on weight and being 'fat'. With me it tends to sit around my middle, my upper thighs and under my chin. My partner turned around and said 'Well do something about it then!' It was the inevitable 'kick' I needed. Not because he wanted me to lose weight but because he wanted me to be happy.

I had been very unhappy with my weight for a long time. I wasn't extremely overweight but being 11 stone 4 at that time and only 5 foot 1 I really could see and feel how the weight affected me. I calculated my BMI and I was in the 'Over weight' catagory. I was disgusted. I work in an office environment so I am sat down for 8 hours a day. Something had to be done. So I decided to try Higher Proclivity's 'Lipotropics'. I found their page to be laid out clearly, concisely and to the point. It went into detail about the product and reading the feedback from other customers they really looked like they worked.

I must at this point make it clear that I am a very sceptical person. But I was willing to give these a try so ordered my first bottle.

They arrived extremely quickly (as they have always done since) and in discreet packaging. I received emails with indepth information, hints, tips and advice from Higher Proclivity and really felt they were with me 'all the way'. I felt that if I needed to ask anything they would be there. I would take two capsules in the morning with a light breakfast and then two later in the day with dinner. I would also try my best to drink the advised 2 litres of water a day. I actually drank sugar free squash. If like me you find the prospect of drinking 2 litres of plain water a bore try it! The first week I lost 4lbs! I was so excited and this gave me the boost to stick to it. Each week I continuosly and steadily lost 1-2lbs.

I didn't drastically change my diet either. I am not a big chocolate eater or snack eater anyway but I love carbs and my big evening meal. This was my downfall. So I would just eat sensibly e.g a yoghurt or fruit for breakfast and then either soup, salad or crackers for lunch. this was not a change for me anyway. However I did NOT cut back or deprive myself on my evening meal. We would still have our roasts, lasagne, currys etc. I even still had a treat every Friday and had a takeaway! I really did not cut this out - I felt it was important I didn't deprive myself.

I soon started having compliments at work and at home as the weight came off and this really gave me the boost to carry on. As I mentioned early my job means I sit at a desk for almost 8 hours a day. I didn't really do any exercise other than quite a lot of walking. I steadily lost weight until I lost 2 stone in total. I went from size 14/16 to a size 10/12. I felt and looked better than I had done in years! I also had much more get up and go! I didn't have any nasty side affects either. I know (unfortunately from personal experience) that some diet pills can give you the 'shakes' or make you feel unwell - these didn't for me.

This year I have gained some weight again (as I have not been sticking to a diet/pills) but I know that with these capsules I can take them and start that exciting journey again! I don't want to just look great for Christmas - I want to look great ALWAYS!



ID: busypensioner (United Kingdom)

When I started taking this supplement I weighed 18 stone (114kgs). My ideal weight is 12 stone (76kgs) and since using these I have lost roughly 3 to 5 pounds per week. That is about a stone and a half in total I have lost so far, which might be less than what is stated on the bottle but I am disabled and I can't get much exercise. Since taking these I both feel and look much better than I did before - it works!

For those who have larger amounts of weight to lose, this product can give fast weight loss results without exercise and at any age.

ID: ikamouse2007 (United Kingdom)

I have tried different diet pills and nothing worked, they may have been £5 or £4 but all those add up at the end of the day if you know what I mean.
I am 5. 9 tall weighed 10.9 stone so I wanted, no desperately needed to lose at least a stone, I had tried different other diet pills nothing worked, my problem is I want to lose weight yesterday so I needed something which would enable me to lose those few stubborn kilos.

When I bought these diet pills I was skeptical at first as I had tried so many others even free samples, but once I started I found I was actually forgetting to eat breakfast or lunch I wasn't hungry at all, and I've started drinking 2lt of water a day (I should of started this water thing long ago).
I feel more energized, I would work early in the morning (6am-8.30am) and I used to feel so shattered I would sleep once the kids went on to school, now I come from work, get into the housework, etc.

I'm glad to say that I now weigh 10 stone, all that I lost was over 2 weeks AND this was without dieting and exercise, I am so chuffed as I have a wedding to go to beginning of October.

Thanx so much.

(P.S) if I ate healthy I would lose more

Thanx again

The appetite suppressing qualities of this supplement can be considerable. While this is effective in weight loss, it is better to always eat something no matter how little for each meal. It is highly recommendable to drink 2 litres ++ every day with these. If drinking too much water in colder periods makes the body feel too cold, then drinking hot water helps equally well.

ID: seyda38 Deutschland (Germany)

Ich habe tatsächlich weniger hunger, bekomme sehr viel durst und trinke deswegen sehr viel wasser was meinen hungergefühl zusätzlich verdrängt. Ich bin motivierter und fühle mich sehr fit... jetzt nehme ich die pillen seit ca.10 tagen und habe insagesamt 3 kilo abgenommen, bin von kleidergrösse 40 auf 38 runter was mich sehr freut, jetzt passe ich wieder in meine alten klamotten rein. ausserdem habe ich einen grossen bewegungsdrang, zbsp. gehe ich jetzt jeden abend entweder 1 stunde walken oder fahre eine halbe stunde fahrrad um meine energie die noch zuviel ist abzubauen, früher war ich sehr "faul" und antriebslos...

Having a considerable thirst is not unusual and should be treated with increased water consumption. 

Ich fühle mich auf jeden fall besser und attraktiver,wie jede frau eben die es endlich schafft ihre überflüssigen kilos loszuwerden. Ich finde diese pillen einfach nur klasse, und der preis ist auch recht günstig, diese investition lohnt sich auf jeden fall finde ich. Was meine nahrungsgewohnheit angeht, ich esse eigentlich ganz normal wie vorher, sogar schokolade esse ich weiterhin und trotzdem nehme ich ab und das finde ich einfach nur suuuuupppppeeeeerrrrr. Ich hoffe ich konnte dir weiterhelfen, falls du denn noch fragen hast schreibe mir einfach...

Feelings of heightened activity are to be expected. This testimony is an example of weight loss even while consuming typically high foods such as chocolate. For the loss of the last remaining kilos nearer your natural weight, changes in lifestyle will probably be necessary.

ID: evezezydealz (Australia)

I found the results of these pills simply unbelievable. I wanted to lose some weight before moving from Australia and as a lady weighing at 75 kilos on an originally small frame, I had a big task ahead of me. I was 15 kilos overweight and I lost most of it over a period of 1 month without exercise and just a little healthy eating!!!

Every constitution is different and some will have very potent responses to this supplement. This is a remarkable result!

ID: matty_rox! (Australia)

Ok, So I am a 17 year old student and I weighed 85kg which is a lot, so I tried these pills and with a balanced diet of fruit, vegetables and red meat along with exercise I was able to accomplish something and lose over 7kg.

In this example a good result was achieved by pairing diet/exercise changes with these supplements. The effect of lifestyle changes together with these slimming pills is greater than the sum of the effect from the slimming pills and lifestyle change when considered separately. *These are ideal for sports related weight regulation. 

ID: alburaiki (Australia)

The product was helpful in many ways, I started waking up earlier than usual. Then, it seems I have managed to reduce inches from my waist in the first week, which was significant after trying some outfits. It boosted my energy for sure because I was using some other slimming pills that had different outcome.

This product has helped me feel healthier through having a better metabolism. After all, it really reduced my cravings, which was my main problem. In addition, I became more active in doing my housework and other daily things. I would recommend it to anyone who is facing digestion issues.

Thanks for such excellent product.

Awakening earlier in the day is a typical effect from these and if your goal is to fit into a slimmer garment these will definitely assist. The focus of Lipotropic weight loss is to aid the digestion and gain greater nourishment from whatever food you consume. Especially with high water intake, you should notice a difference in your food cravings. You will observe less sudden hunger pangs and a desire for healthier food. 

ID: yorkshire.dame (United Kingdom)

Being overweight since my early childhood has led me to try many diets & many dieting products, some with success, some without but the main factor always being that the weight always returned. Now at 39 years old & with physical disabilities, I find it just as difficult to maintain a steady weight because of being less active. This product has helped me to lose over 2.5 stone in weight & drop from a size 22 to a size 18. It stops me feeling hungry & makes me change my eating habits to eating what I want but smaller portions! 

A pair of size 18 Trousers that sat in my wardrobe for over 2 years & I always hoped that one day I would fit into them, well now I can & they're even slightly too big!! This has completely changed my skepticism on slimming pills & I am now aiming to fit into the size 16 Trousers I bought! Just knowing that I take a slimming pill that REALLY works helps me to think positive & stay positive in my weight loss achievements. Looking better on the outside makes me feel so much better on the inside, improves my mood & makes a new day feel less of a challenge!

user yorkshire.dame will continue to be supplied with these supplements and we will be waiting in anticipation for her further weight loss results. An excellent result so far and it will be a pleasure to assist her even further!


ID: newlife0421 (Australia)

newlife0421 is an internet customer of ours who kindly gave us their user id to provide a testimonial for our products. We thank him very much for his support and trying **ALL** of our Higher Pro Lipotropic products:


Hello there Higher Proclivity!

It's been great receiving so much information and guidance about my weight loss progress... When you offered up so many different formulas, I was confused about which one I should use. However, you soon clarified that for me and how to use each different product for different reasons. I found some did work better for me than others - to begin with I tried your core Lipotropic, which as you explained gives the central ingredients of every variety that you offer.

I started out at just under 105kgs - Really heavy as you can see in the photos that I have sent you! The core Lipotropic formula was excellent - I lost 5kgs in the first 10 days alone - fast but I was happy to combine these pills will exercise as you suggested. I took the 'High L-Carnitine' and 'High Energy' formulas as you suggested. The difference with and without the pills during exercise was really significant. I could do a lot more. Then again there were times when I really did not feel like doing all the extra exercise and was feeling tired, and a softer formula was better suited for me.

When I was feeling a bit more lazy, the appetite suppressant varieties were best - i.e. Hoodia and Gymnema Sylvestris. I am not saying that I lost as much weight when I took these - I was being lazy - but it stopped my evening snacking and meals which were ruining my progress.

I visited my doctor and he said there wasn't anything too wrong with my thyroid, so I did not take those ones and he also cautioned me against taking too many weight loss pills! So I switched over to the gentler varieties that you suggested, i.e. the Acai and Mango extract pills - these were better when I needed something less stressful on my system. I did find though that when I gently exercised and drank plenty of water as you suggested, I was able to take the pills for a longer period without taking a break and with little if any, side effects.

Another trouble was so much of socializing with other people involves food! It seems that to make friends with the people I know, I must eat! Well, in that case, just before going to see them I would take either the fat blocker and / or the Carb blocker... Of course, I could not ask what was on the menu beforehand but with these I did find that even if I did eat too much I was not ruined! As you explained, the Fat and Carb blockers stopped fats and carbohydrates from being absorbed into my body. I also noticed my system become a bit more efficient if you know what I mean ;-)

I took my progress slowly - slow weight loss with exercise is always going to be a better approach - I took about 8 months to get the results that you can see in my after picture - yet these pills really made sure I kept up with the job. Your support through your hints and tips was excellent too...  

These are the formulas that I found really worked well for me, the others weren't bad, but I got used to the core formula, Hoodia formula, Gymnema, Acai, Mango, Fat blocker, Thyroid Support, Carb Blocker, L-Carnitine and Energy formula in particular with a result 8 months later of just 80kgs total body weight. I have still got a little belly fat - but nothing like what I have had before! ... Also, I lost my double chin which makes me feel very good about myself. You can see all in my after photo! I am using the L-Carnitine formula mostly now for muscle mass and my upper body definitely feels stronger now.

All my photos I had taken in front of the same door frame so you can see my change in width! :-)

These are excellent formulas and I recommend them to anyone! Thanks for these solutions, Higher Proclivity - you have definitely boosted by confidence and self esteem.


ID: gilbert_grape75 (United Kingdom)

"Since I was around 13 years of age, I have gradually put on more and more weight. By the age of 31 I was up to a weight excess of 20 stone. My doctor informed me that I was headed on a path of shorter life expectancy, heart disease and all the usual health problems associated with my lifestyle and weight.

Apart from all of that, I was suffering from a low self esteem, generally feeling sluggish and unable to just get things done.


It was time to do something about it. After trying some other weight loss supplements to little effect, I happened upon your advert. Sticking to my new routine of eating less, exercising more was sooooo difficult until I took the Higher Proclivity weight loss supplements you provide. My appetite was suppressed, I started experiencing higher energy levels, walking much more and a generally improved digestion. The kinds of food I yearned to eat began to change.

I was overjoyed to receive your suggestion of some before and after pictures and it was the least that I could do since you started me on a new and happier path.

I made a professional job on the ‘before’ pictures making some positive visualisations as to what I wanted to be. Imagine my joy when it came to taking the ‘after’ pictures! Your product really does work.

Yes, you do need to modify your lifestyle – less food and the right kind, exercise, lots of water – however these help you to make those changes. When you suggested that I drink more water and sensibly increase the dose I was taking the results were even more pronounced – Fantastic!!!

You have changed my life, my wife loves it as she was getting concerned for me and I feel so much more comfortable around people. Amazingly, I lost 107 lbs, in a period of only 83 days! I cannot thank you enough – all I can say is that it simply changes everything."

Endorsed by our clients

gilbert_grape75 is one of our mail order clients who is also registered and made very good use of the hints and tips that we sent out to our customers. Please make sure that you receive this email as it provides guidelines relating dosage and lifestyle that will boost your results. This result is not by any means unusual!

userid: indianer95 (Germany)

“Hi Steve, I am writing on behalf of my wife who tried this product with great success… She has already been contacted twice by other German customers to get information about her experience with your product.

As you can imagine we have given you the best recommendations. Unfortuately we didn´t find a photo where my wife is standing (she usually used to hide before somebody was able to take a shot of her) but you can see a great deal of difference in her arms and torso at the very least. The results are definitely visible. 

Some bodyfacts - Before use of your product she weighed 54kgs. Now she returns to her natural, actual weight of 47 kgs. An excellent result in a very short period of time.

Keeping slim is very important for my wife’s work and it is a pleasure to affiliate with your website!

userid: houseno3 (Australia)
After Photos Date: Tue, 21 Apr 2009 20:40:41 +1000

Hi There Steve here are some I guess you could call them mid way after shots. Current weight 80.01 kg Starting weight 92.1kg in mid February as I said before I still have a way to go but I am very grateful to your weight loss pills for giving me a helping hand.and the great thing is there are no weird side effects ( like some other ones that I have tried)

I would just like to remind people to use the pills with a bit of common sense yes they do work BUT you must eat well and not fill up on junk foods and then complain that they don’t work because as I know they do work. ( you can still have a treat now and then I do)

I brought the dress in the after shot 3 months ago and I could not fit in to it, I was at the time a size 20 going on to a size 22 the dress is a size 18 I know I still have work to do but I am well on my way.

The good thing is I now have the energy to get up and move that is what people will notice with the pills is that they give you the boost to move your butt. Well I wish you well and I will send further photos as I get closer to goal.