The Great Courses, Economics, 3rd Edition 
(3CD Set, Course Guidebook, 2005) 

Economic issues are active in our lives every day. However, when the subject of economics comes up in conversation or on the news, we can find ourselves longing for a more sophisticated understanding of the fundamentals of economics. These thirty-six lectures will help you think about and discuss economic issues that affect you and the nation every day-interest rates, unemployment, personal investing, budget deficits, globalization, and many more-with a greater level of knowledge and sophistication. They require no special or advanced knowledge of mathematics. Instead, you'll learn economics through intuitive explanations and in plain English. Professor Taylor's first 18 lectures focus on "microeconomics," or looking at economics "from the bottom up." You'll study the behavior of individuals, households, and firms; and how they interact in markets for goods, labor, and saving and investment. Topics in microeconomics include: supply and demand in the free market, monopolies and regulated competition, and public goods. The second eighteen lectures cover "macroeconomics," or studying the economy "from the top down." Here you will examine the factors that help economists evaluate the economy on a national and global scale. Among these macroeconomic issues are: common ways the government taxes and spends, the relationship between employment and inflation, and international exchange rates. Throughout, Professor Taylor helps you apply what you are learning to many of today's most frequently discussed and misunderstood issues.

This CD set is BRAND NEW in its original shrink-wrapped package.