Sacred Geometry Reiki
Spiritual Acceleration System
This is a method of healing that can be used with other methods of healing particularly reiki. This course will give you suggestions for self healing and meditation using sacred geometric symbols. You will also learn how to use Sacred Geometry with reiki to heal others .... you too! The universe is vibration and geometry is vibration manifest on the visual. This healing system works with your higher self at soul level. The symbols assist you in the clearing and re-patterning process. In doing so, you begin to deal with limiting beliefs. It is a method of enhancing your intuition to receive information and messages from your higher self / soul through geometric codes and symbols. This will assist you in your spiritual progression in line with your soul's purpose. You will feel more connected and it can bring cohesion to your life. The ancients believed that sacred geometry was essential to the education of the soul.
What is sacred geometry?
We are all familiar with geometry regardless of our level of education or life experience. Sacred geometry is all around us; in nature, the snowflake and sunflower for example as well as in the shape & decoration of buildings throughout history. Celtic knots are also a form of sacred geometry that symbolize the interconnectedness of all things.They represent the eternal web and the continuous cycling of existence. The square, circle, triangle and hexagon remain the same. Sacred geometry can be described as the 'architecture of the Universe'
Sacred geometry is the root language or the language of cration; a blueprint of perfection which simply means the intended plan or design. It is a universal language. It reminds us of who we were and who we are. Sacred geometry can assist us in aligning to our true purpose and life path. Each symbol assists in clearing, re-patterning and receiving the soul's instructions. Distorted energy patterns developed during your life time and imbalances are cleansed and re-balanced. Intuition is enhanced as you begin to realize that your soul and spirit instruct your mind rather than the other way around.
With purchase, 3 attunements sent via chi-ball; 1 - 34 page manual and 1 certificate.
Manual and certificate sent via email.
BONUSES: Alphabet of the H)eart(h - Sacred Geometry's Golden Meaning and Open Eye Meditation on Sacred Geometry Specifically on Metatron's Cube.