You are considering the genuine Tokina brand Minolta MD 50-250 mm f/4-5.6 Macro normal to telephoto zoom lens pictured. It is in outstanding condition with little (VERY little) evidence of use. Absolutely no dents, dings or significant scratches that I can see. Very nice indeed.
This All-In-One lens can do it all. The zoom range starts at 50 mm, the "standard" focal length for what is called a normal point of view and goes all the way out to the near super-telephoto range of 250 mm. Think of how handy this lens would be when photographing your kids at the soccer field. 50 MM for when they are close and zoom out to 250 mm when they are across the field! No lens changes necessary! And it focuses quite close as well, just in case you want to photograph a "detail" that will help tell the story of the moment.
Since this lens has the Minolta MC / MC mount, you can use it on any manual focus Minolta 35 mm SLR camera. The compatible cameras include the SRT series, the X-370, X-370n, X-570, X-700, XG, X-9, X-11, XE-5, XE-7, XG1, XG-1, XG7, XG-7, XK and many more (I'm sure).
Features of this lens include a fast maximum aperture of f/4 (for beautiful bokeh, the de-focus quality of backgrounds on your portrait images), MC Multi-Coated glass for outstanding sharpness, contrast and color rendition, a Macro Mode for great close-ups, the venerable Minolta MC/MD mount, a filter size of 55 mm and more. If you have been looking for an opticall excellent yet inexpensive lens, you should consider this one. Absolutely no disappointments! I'm asking $58. Both caps are included.
Shipping with tracking to US addresses only is $12.
And let's not forget about your ILC Interchangeable Lens Compact camera otherwise known as the 'Mirrorless Camera System' that is so popular right these days. With the correct lens adapter you can use this lens on just about any ILC Mirrorless camera. B&H has a ton of these adapters starting around $20. Get a few of these and then they sky's the limit. You'll have hundreds a new lens options!
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