Wing Chun Gung Fu Combat Drills #1 DVD Randy Williams
ID#: VD5234A
Original Price:$29.95

by Randy Williams
Five Star arm toughening drill
Kuen Slu Kuen (fist parries fist) punch Interception drill
Straigfht punch drills: four variations done three ways
Join locking straight punch drills: Inserting elbow braking moves into drill
Yut Fook Yee Yin/Yang attack and defense drill
Pock Sau Drill develops the ability to borrow power from the opponent's arm from the inside or outside without losing contact
Heun Sau drill develops sensitivity in opening the low line and defending that line when attacked

When Steven Seagal, Phil Colling, or Eric Claption needed bodyguard protection, they called Wing Chnu master Randy Williams, one of the world's foremost experts on self-defence. Williams, who operates schools in Singapore and Los Angeles, began training at the age of 13 under george Yau and completed his instruction in the system under world \-renown master Augstine Fong.

Approximate running time: 50 minutes