PICK ANY 20 images Digital ClipArt-Fonts-Art Clip-Gift Tags-Gift Cards-Scrapbooking-Tshirt-Jewelry.
Once payment is confirmed you will receive this page in the form of a high-resolution, 8.5 by 11 inch JPG , PNG , Zip or PDF document that you will be able to print as often as desired for your personal use or, to use in your original art to sell.
Step 1: Browse the shop and find the items you are interested in ( please do not add them to your cart).
Step 2: Once you have found your items, purchase this listing. Again, please do not purchase the items, just the listing only.
Step 3: During the purchasing process there is a "note to seller" box. In this box copy and paste the web addresses/URLs of the items you wish to purchase. You can also send me a email with the links to the items as well.
Step 4: Complete your purchase.
I will be e-mailed directly to you within 1 to 24 hours of payment receipt! File is in JPG , PNG , Zip or PDF file format.
In order to open the files,you will need the program Adobe Reader. Which is a download application at adobe.com.
Note: You MAY print my printable crafts, and sell as a printed craft. You may even use it for your artwork for commercial use, but you may NOT resell it as you have received the file. In other words, you must change it in another form to resell it. Ownership and copyrights of all images retained By Sabrina Purvis of Sabby’s Creations,Sabby’s World of Creations.
Thank You for visiting.