Choose your spell!!! AMAZING spells Cast for you by 92 year old Witch
Albina will cast this the spell you choose!!! Choose from many very potent spells!!
1) GREEN CRYSTAL 925/ MONEY SPELL-"Money Magnetism". This is a form of Magick that increases one's wealth, increases being noticed in business/career as well as assisting in preserving current and repairing poor financial states. Albina says that this spell is "often requested" due to it's very potent "drawing' force of energies!!.
2) RED CRYSTAL 925/ LOVE SPELL- "Captivating Love & Attraction". Albina says that this spell is "over a hundred years old" and that it has been known to be "very successful due to it's array of different, precise energies". She says that this spell not only draws in energies that produce the perfect atmosphere for " a spiritual love in it's most compatible form" with another, it also enhances one's "powers of attraction" as well as one's "perceived beauty".
3) PINK CRYSTAL 925/ BEAUTY SPELL-"Best Reflection" and she says that "this is a form of Magick that has granted the ability to "feel amazing about one's appearance! Thus, granting one the ability to face the world with confidence and many renewed strengths!" This invigorating spell has been handed down through many generations to allow one to look and feel one's best by promoting anti-aging,a healthy weight, glowing skin, "bright" eyes, lusterous, thick hair, a smoother complexion and bringing forth one's "best features while diminishing one's weaker traits!
4) BLACK Crystal 925/ PROTECTION SPELL- This spell is called "Fortress of Energies" an immense protection, clearing, and KEENLY enhanced instincts & perception spell. She says that this spell will bestow "many amazing powers and abilities" upon it's bearer. These "powers" include FIERCELY Protective energies that will surround the bearer and block out negative energies as well as assist in helping one detect negative energies before damage can occur! She adds that this spell also removes discordant vibrations in one's environment that can cause mis-communications, arguments, and a general sense of "unease". This energy's effect is similar to "smudging" with sage or incense with respect to the removal if negativity.
5) BLUE CRYSTAL 925/ CLEANSE- "Cleansing" spell. This long practiced spell has many aspects and powers. The first power that this spell allows assists the bearer in promoting the release of impurities within the body by "purifying" one's celllar make up. The second aspect of this spell allows for the complete dissolution of stored stress and tension that could cause mental and physical imbalances that could eventually lead to illness and disorders. The third and most powerful aspect of this spell promotes receptivity to the beauty of the world by strengthening one's ability to view all that is positive in life while shielding and blocking one from becoming damaged, hurt or aggravated by negativity in one's environment.
6)-CRYSTAL 925 (WHITE)- PSYCHIC SPELL- "Crystal Visions" spell. This spell promotes not only psychic visions that will allow the bearer to see what will happen to oneself as well as those around one in the future, it will also allow one to view past life experiences that have brought one to where one is today in one's current life. Albina says that the bearer of this piece will feel " a heightening of there dormant psychic and highly sensitive abilities" and that this will cause one to "see things happening in the form of 'visions' of what is yet to come". She also explains that these visions will not be experienced while one is sleeping, these visions will occur while one is awake and sometimes they will not actually be visions at all, and instead "feel like a deepply rooted 'gut' feeling guding one in a certain direction".
7)-LIGHT BLUE CRYSTAL 925- ANTI AGING SPELL- "Timeless Reflection". Albina says that this very guarded spell promotes "holding back the hand's of time from the harmful effects on one's health and appearance. She explains that this piece creates a powerful "shield of energies" around the bearer that protects one's physcial health and appearance from being as greatly effected by the passage of time as it does to those who remain "unprotected". She adds that this spell will also aid in restoring one's health to that of a more youthful individual, and this includes appearance as well. She equates the power of this spell as having a more beneficial effect on staving off the damaging effects of time than if one were to resort to other measures or procedures that are believed to prevent aging or improve one's physical appearance.
8) GOLD CRYSTAL- "FAIRY SEEKER SPELL". This spell will allow the bearer to gain access to a Mystical realm in which one will be given a "Faery guide" who will have a "spiritual connection " with the bearer and "inherently know" what it is that the bearer needs and wants. Then, this faery guide will direct the bearer in the direction of these goals and needs. She says that this very powerful and guarded spell grants whomever possesses such a Magickal piece to travel through a portal in which one will be able to "form a relationship with one's "Faery Guide".