This listing is for 10 Possum Grape - Vitis cinerea seeds.

These grapes are amazing!  

We make wine and jelly.  

The berries are potent, rich in flavinoids and reservatrol.

The seeds are a large nutritional powerhouse of a crunchy snack.

People who complain about the small fruit with big seed have no idea how good the seeds are for food.

We saute them with butter, salt and pepper here, enjoy them raw and in pancakes and breads.

The fruit is tart, but in a healthy good way.  

The vine grows huge and can outlive us.

Everyone should have these vines.  

When they flower the air turns to grape flavored candy.

All the animals love the plant.  

You can use the leaves for tea and dye.

The Vine can be rendered to charred coal, making the perfect drawing black chalk tool.

The tendrills can be eaten green or cooked.

The leaves can be eaten cooked.  

You can wrap meats in the leaves for an amazing taste.

The Sap can be made into a brew, and the seeds can be used to make grappa.

We hope you will enjoy this native grape as we do.

Be Well and Thank You for Looking!

- Dave