Will cleanse you and your home!
No more nasties!
Psychic Protection, hex removal, & Magickal Banishing
Removal and Protection From anywhere and everything.
Remove and Stop Negative Thoughts
Help Enhance Your Own Bodies Natural Defences Against Other Peoples Negativity
Wash Away Bad Luck
Remove Any Build Up's Of Negative Energy (whatever the cause)
Sometimers this energy hangs around your home. I will also do a home cleansing!
Protect yourself from
Psychic Vampires
Psychic Attack
demons and dark forces
others brining you down
You are born with natural defenses against attack. However over time more and more builds uip or perhaps you even moved into a place that has negative energy attaCHED. As a result you become more vulnerable.
Banishing ritual is an opportunity to clear yourself AND YOUR HOME of any vulnerability to negative entities or the negative energy of thoughts or spells sent your way by others. Put a block up from the neighbor with ill intentions remove and protect yourself and those you love from evil seeping in. When someone attacks you in a subtle non-physical way most people are not aware of this and it usually shows in illness or bad accidents happening. Sometimes you even feel the curse!
This Clearing will bring a restoration of wholeness of your energetic self so you will be able to cope and go about your normal every day to day life.
I will call in the aid of my angels and helpers to flush your system and cleanse your home long distance.
You will also recieve an amulet specially designed to bless and cleanse your house for good!