This banner is copyrighted,and may not be coppied in whole or part. This banner can be yours with your shop name, and if you would like items from your shop added to this banner, I can do that as well at no extra charge. You will also receive a matching Signature for you to sign your posts with on the forum. your signature would be this size. I will send you a sample of your banner after payment is made. When you are satisfied with how it looks, I will email you the banner . This is a Custom One of a kind. No one else will have a banner like this one. The full banner is below. If you wish to purchase this item, click on the buy now, an email will be sent to me letting me know you wish to buy, and I will need to accept it, then you will receive a message so you can finish paying for the item. It is your option to use the best Quality of designs for your web site.