Homemade Detoxifying Bentonite & Activated Charcoal Spa Facial Mask. Blackhead, acne, Deep cleansing

Natural face Detox powder

Activated Charcoal For Your skin
Activated charcoal means the carbon is infused with oxygen and is prepared for human ingestion (in the case of poisoning or detox) and skincare products. This oxygenation creates a super porous surface, increasing its ability to absorb matter and toxins. Possibly the most absorbent cosmetic ingredient out there.

Because activated charcoal removes toxins, it can help reduce the instances of acne and other skin impurities you might suffer from. It also works wonders for completely removing makeup.

The skin under the eyes is more tender than our other facial skin. As a result, when dirt collects in the pores of under eye skin it starts to sag with weight and we begin to look old. Activated bamboo charcoal soap gets down deep into the pores in the under eye skin properly clearing them of dirt which ultimately prevents sagging.

Bentonite Clay for your Skin:
Bentonite clay is a clay that is mined from the earth, and it’s formed after volcanic ash has weathered and aged in the presence of water. It has a strong negative electromagnetic charge, and when activated by water, it acts like a magnet in and on our bodies, pulling metals and toxins to it. It also has an affect on the body’s pH and provides the body with some vital minerals at the same time.

The combination of these two products gives your skin the natural clear and smooth looks it deserves

How to Use
Mix 1/2 to 1 teaspoon of mask powder in a NONMETAL BOW USING NOT METAL SPOON with 1 to 3 teaspoon of water ( or any skin safe liquid- milk, glycerin, aloe Vera) until the desired consistency is reached. Apple on face and rinse with clean water after it's fully dried.
Use not more than 3 times a week.

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