This vintage pair of elegantly designed black enamel seahorse cufflink set including tie clip would be perfect for most any occasion.The Ancient Greeks and Romans believed the seahorse was an attribute of the sea god Neptune/Poseidon and as such, the seahorse was considered a symbol of strength and power.
Further, the ancient Europeans believed that the seahorse carried the souls of deceased sailors to the underworld - giving them safe passage and protection until the met their soul's destination.
Chinese cultures believed that the seahorse was a type of sea dragon, and as such they were revered for their power and thought to be symbols of good luck.
Sailors have long viewed the seahorse as a good luck charm too.
They are in very good condition and would be so nice as a gift or to wear on that special occasion including a night out on the town. They are very good quality and well made.
Perfect for a wedding or anniversary or a gift to a friend or boss. Add that perfect touch of vintage to a classic suit or tux.
We don’t polish these previously owned well loved pieces so we can keep the original patina. We try and photograph all of the pieces next to a ruler so you can see the actual size.
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november1 2015