Title: Stories Children Love
Author: Edited by Watty Piper
Publisher: Platt & Munk, Co.
Publishing Date: 1933
Edition: Fourth?
Binding: Hardcover
Pages: No pagination
Illustrated: Beautifully illustrated in color and black and white, including full page plates, many by artist Lois Lenski
Interior Condition: Solid binding, complete and intact. Some scribbling on inside front and back boards, and first three blank pages. No other interior writing. Very good.
Exterior Condition: Good, with chipping of top spine, some scuffs and soil, corner wear
Dust Jacket: No
Size: Folio - Approximately 10.25 x 12 x 3/4
Comments: Includes illustrated stories and text of Little Red Riding Hood, Peter Pan, Dick Whittington and his Cat, Cinderella, Sleeping Beauty, Three Bears, Puss in Boots, Tom Thumb, and Jack and the Beanstalk`