Wanderer's End The Odyssey of Don Paradise by Dennis Cleugh
Wanderer's End
The Odyssey of Don Paradise
Dennis Cleugh
Garden City: Doubleday, Doran and Company, 1930
Copyright 1930
Foreword by Christopher Morley
411 pages
The binding is in acceptable condition, the pages are clean but tanning. There is a name and date 1930 written in the front. The cover has some scuffs and stains and is edge worn. Acceptable. Hardcover.
Here Is a book with the spark of genius flickering intermittently through its somewhat rambling pages, fascinating by reason of its delicate humor, its good nature, and humanly sketched characters, fresh and frank, and written by an author who has apparently done his work from knowledge and experience of the ups and downs of the theatrical profession, circuses, and their people. (#13)