MAGOFON is very effective for immediate pain relief with arthritis, gout, injuries, sinusitis, etc. Striving to improve the effectiveness and safety of physiotherapy treatments has led to the creation of “MAGOFON-01” embodying all the best that they can provide for human health pulsed Magnetic Field and Vibroacoustic Therapy. Experimental and clinical tests of “MAGOFON” device have confirmed that the combined effect of low-frequency alternating magnetic field and vibroacoustic oscillations of the “white noise” provides a stable therapeutic effect from the first minutes of exposure. From the first count: visible stable positive dynamics to improve function of joints or the spine (depending on the area of impact). Achieved by improving the function indicated 68% of patients, and the dynamics there are no complaints to the procedures for the 10th day was 100%. Indications for use of device “MAGOFON:diseases of musculoskeletal system: deforming osteoarthrosis; arthritis; osteochondrosis (including those with radicular syndrome); myositis; gout; bursitis; epicondylitis; injury of musculoskeletal system: fractures; soft tissue injuries; hematoma; damage to the ligaments and muscles; post-traumatic edema; postoperative wounds; trauma joints; cardiovascular system: varicose veins; chronic venous insufficiency with trophic disorders; vegetative-vascular dystonia of hypertensive type; |