**I LOVE plants that can be neglected and still thrive well!** ****GROWN ON OUR FARM HERE IN TENNESSEE**** Photo Photo BLACK GIANT CROSS HYBRID SUNFLOWERS ON OUR FARM, THIS IS ONE OF THE MOST BEAUTIFUL SUNFLOWERS AROUND BLACK GIANTS PRODUCES A BLOOM PACKED WITH DELICATE, PACKED BLACK PETALS LARGE 10 INCH HEADS OF THE MOST EYE CATCHING BLACK FLOWERS ON A 12 FOOT STALK EACH HEAD PRODUCES HUNDREDS OF SMALL, EDIBLE SEEDS THAT ARE GREAT FOR CHILDREN OR FEEDING WILDLIFE Photo These grow HUGE!!! This large Black flower also has black seeds * NEW BLACK GIANT SUNFLOWER ***** 12 feet BLACK GIANT CROSS HYBRID mazon his is the best variety to go for the world record. This variety is a cross between the is the best variety to go for the world record. This variety is a cross between the Sunflowers will always be grown as long as there are children and competitions! Just the word sunflower conjures up a scene of tall plants with great Black plate-sized faces, following the sun as it moves. For many gardeners, sunflowers simply form part of the summer display, but for others sunflowers present an opportunity for a contest: who can grow the largest? These grow HUGE!!! This large Black flower also has black seeds, creating a very sunny-looking TREE!! The variety grows rapidly from seed and is a heavy cropper and produces edible seeds to dry and leave out for birds! Tallest-growing sunflower variety, will reach between 12 feet!!! Their giant plate-shaped flowers can reach over 8" inches wide!! When planted along a fence or wall, they create a spectacular explosion of color once they mature!!!! As with all sunflowers, they require a full sun! #1148-A